4-43.A chief petty officer serving onactive duty with 17 years of serviceis eligible for which of thefollowing officer programs?1.Limited Duty Officer Program2.Chief Warrant Officer Program3.Broadened Opportunity forOfficer Selection and TrainingProgram4.All of the above4-44.A married 20-year-old petty officersecond class, with 12 years ofeducation,is eligible for which ofthe following officer programs?1.Direct commision2 .U.S. Naval Academy3.Broadened Opportunity forOfficer Selection and TrainingProgram4.Limited Duty officer Program4-45.A dependent parent of an active–dutysailor qualifies for CHAMPUSb e n e f i t s .1.True2.False4-46.A dependent parent–in-law of anactive duty service member qualifiesfor treatment under the UniformedServices Health Benefits Program.1.True2.False4-47.The maximum CHAMPUS deductible aservice member with a wife and 6children would have to pay is whichof the following amounts?1.0 per person2.0 per person3.0 per family4.0 Per family4-48.Which of the following amounts isthe CHAMPUS catastrophic cap forretired service members?1.02.03.
,0004.,0004-49.Which of the following levels of4-50.4-51.4-52.4-53.chief petty officer is considered tobe the senior technical supervisorwithin a rating?1.Chief2.Senior chief3.Master chief4.Command master-chiefWhich of the following personnelwould have performance evaluationsfilmed into their microform records?1.E-3 and below2 .E-4 and below3.E-5 and above4.Each of the aboveWhich of the following categories ofretirement is applicable to Reservepersonnel who have completed 20years of active military service?1.Fleet Reserve2.Retired Reserve3.Regular Navy Retired List4.Naval Reserve Retired ListService members who have a permanentphysical disability and aretemporarily unable to perform theirduties are transferred to which ofthe following retired lists?1.Regular Navy Retired List2 .Naval Reserve Retired List3.Temporary Disability RetiredL i st4.Permanent Disability RetiredListThe Survivor Benefit Plan allows youto designate your permanentlydisabled children to receive aportion of your retirement for lifeprovided the child’s disabilityoccurs before age 18 or age 22 ifattending school full time.1.True2.False26
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