5-30.Items purchased through the Navyresale system are tax-free and theprofits generated are contributedto the MWR program.1.True2.False5-31.When should you check thedivisional watch, quarter, ands t a t i o n b i l l?1.When a person from the divisiongoes on leave2.When a person from the divisiontransfers3.When a person from the divisiongoes TAD4.Each of the above5-32.Who maintains the ship’s masterwatch, quarter, and station bill?1.The watch bill coordinator2.The security officer3.The senior watch officer4.The commanding officer5-33.When in drill and formation, aninterval is normally what distance?1.24 inches for women, 30 inchesfor men2.The space between the chest ofone person and the back of theperson ahead3.One arm’s length from shoulderto shoulder4.40 inches between ranks5-34.When presenting your division forinspection. you should positionyourself so the inspecting partyapproaches from which. if any, ofthe following directions?1.From the right2.From the left3.From directly in front of thed i v i s i on4.None of the above5-35.When you present a division for5-36.5-37.5-38.5-39.inspection, where should you fallin, relative to the inspectingo f f i c e r,as the division is beinginspected?1.Just ahead of the inspectingo f f i c e r , on the side of therank being inspected2.Just behind the inspectingo f f i c e r, on the side of therank being inspected3.Just ahead of the inspectingo f f i c e r, opposite the rankbeing inspected4.Just behind the inspectingo f f i c e r , opposite the rankbeing inspectedBMC Jane B. Doe is holdingdivisional quarters and thedivision is at ease. At theconclusion of quarters, whatcommand(s) should be given?1.“Attention” then “Fall Out”2.“Attention”then "Dismissed"3.“Dismissed”4.“Fall out”Which of the following peoplereport directly to the officer ofthe deck in port?1.Executive officer2.Command duty officer3.Duty master–at–arms4.Each of the aboveIn carrying out the ship’s dailyroutine, who should the in–portofficer of the deck report to?1.Executive officer2.Commanding officer3.Command duty officer4.Senior watch officerWho should the officer of the deckin port report to for the generalsafety and duties of the command?1.Executive officer2.Commanding officer3.Command duty officer4.Senior watch officer31
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