5-50.On which of the following occasionswould the wearing of workinguniforms be appropriate?1.While on liberty in CONUS2.When working in the engine room3.When conducting business offbase4.While standing officer of thedeck in port5-51.Which, if any, of the followingc h i e f p e t t y o f f i c e r s i s / a rerequired to wear the aviationworking green uniform?1.AVCM Jane B. Doe assigned toVAQ-122 as command master chief2.A l l c h i e f p e t t y o f f i c e rsassigned to an aviation command3.ABHC John A. Doe assigned toNaval Air Facility, Sigonellaas senior enlisted advisor4.None of the above5-52.When in uniform, which of thefollowing circumstances would beconsidered inappropriate for thewearing of sunglasses?1.On watch2 . O n l i b e r t y3.When in formation4.When conducting officialbusiness off base5-53.When wearing the combination cap,what is the correct position of therivet on the chin strap?1.To the left side of thecombination cap2.To the right side of thecombination cap3.Centered in the front4.Centered in the back5-54.The chevrons, rocker, servicestripes, and specialty mark of therating badge worn on the aviationworking green uniform of a personwith 12 years'continuous goodconduct are what color?5-55.Suppose an MACM serving at acommand in a law enforcement billetreceives orders to a command whereshe will be filling the billet ascommand master chief.Whatchanges, if any, should be made tothe rating badge to reflect the newposition as command master chief?1.The specialty mark should bereplaced by a silver star2. A third silver star should beadded centered between the twoalready on her rating badge3.The two silver stars on therating badge should be replacedby one gold star centered abovethe eagle’s head4.None of the above5-56.A master chief petty officer isserving as command master chief atNaval Station, Charleston, SouthCarolina.The person’s nextassignment will be as master chiefpetty officer of the Navy (MCPON)at Washington, D.C.What changes,if any, should be made to theperson’s rating badge and collardevices?1.A third silver star should beadded to the rating badge andthe collar device should remainunchanged2.A gold star should be addedbetween the two silver starsand the collar device shouldremain unchanged3.The current stars above theeagle should be replaced withthree gold stars and a thirdraised star should be added tothe collar device4.None of the above1.Gold2.Blue3.S i l v er4.Scarlet33
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