6-19.As a minimum, how often must theTop Secret control officerphysically inventory the Top Secretmaterials in the command?1.Annually2.Semiannually3.Quarterly4.Monthly6-20.In addition to receiving anddistributing Top Secret material,The command TSCO is responsible forwhich of the following functions?1.Maintaining all Top Secretmaterial in his/her personalpossession at all times2.Maintaining a system ofaccountability for all TopSecret material within thecommand3.Granting access to classifiedspaces within the command4.Granting security clearanceswithin the command6-21.When may a command assign a TopSecret Control assistant?1.When the Top Secret controlofficer is absent from thecommand for more than 2consecutive weeks2.When preparation is being madefor a change of commandinspection3.Upon receipt of Top Secretmaterials4.As the need arises6-22.At a command with an automatic dataprocessing (ADP) system, whatofficer is responsible to thesecurity manager for the protectionof classified information in theADP system?6-23.A command that handles classifiedinformation is responsible forinstructing which of its members insecurity policies and procedures?1.Only enlisted personnel E-6 andbelow2 .All personnel regardless oftheir position, rank, or grade3.Only military and civilianpersonnel having access toclassified information4.Only officers, enlistedpersonnel E-6 and above, andcivilian employees GS-9 andabove6-24.At the Department of the Navylevel, who is responsible forproviding policy guidance,educational requirements, andsource support for the securityeducation program?1.The Secretary of the Navy2.The Chief of Naval Operations(OP-09N)3.The Director, Navy ProgramPlanning4.The Chief of Naval Educationand Training6-25.A command security educationprogram must be designed toaccomplish which of the followingrequirements?1.To inform personnel oftechniques used by foreigna c t i v i t i e s t o o b t a i n c l a s s i f i edinformation2.To advise personnel of theirlegal obligation to protectclassified information in theirpossession3.To familiarize personnel withspecific security procedures4.All of the above1.The ADP security officer2.The administrative officer3.The assistant security officer4.The Top Secret control officer37
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