6-42.When, i f e v e r, may money or jewelrybe stored in security containersused to store classified material?1.2 .3.4.During emergency and combats i t u a t i o nsWhen the articles are to beused as evidence in a militaryc o u rtWhen space is available, withclassified material alwayshaving priorityNever6-43.When a security container used tostore Top Secret material is notlocated in a building under U.S.government control, which of thefollowing additional securityprecautions must be made?1.The container must be protectedby an alarm system2.The container must be guardedduring nonworking hours by U.S.c i t i z e ns3.Both 1 and 2 above4.The container must be checkedby military guard once eachhour during nonworking hours6-44.The combination of a container usedto store classified informationmust be changed on which of thefollowing occasions?1.Every 12 months2 .When evidence indicates thecombination has beencompromised3.When any person having thecombination no longer requiresaccess4.Each of the above6-45.Records of destruction of Secretmaterial must be retained for whatminimum period of time?1.24 months2 .30 months3.36 months4.48 months6-46.When a strip shredding machine isused to shred classified material,the material should be shreddedinto strips that are what maximumwidth?1.1/64 inch2.1/32 inch3.3/64 inch4.1/16 inch6-47.Which of the following methodsis/are NOT recommended for officeuse?1.Disintegrators2.Pulverizers3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Shredders6-48.A wet-process pulper is suitablefor destroying which of thefollowing materials? - 4 9 . A no fMicroformPaper productsTypewriter ribbonsEach of the aboveemergency plan for destructionclassified material must bebased on which off a c t o r s?1.The potentiala c t i v i t i e s by2 .The level andthe followingfor aggressiveh o s t i l e f o r c e ss e n s i t i v i t y ofclassified material held3.The proximity of hostile forces4.Each of the above6-50.When you assign priorities foremergency destruction of classifiedmaterial, what priority should youassign to the files containingConfidential technical material?1.Priority One2.Priority Two3.Priority Three4.Priority Four40
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