Textbook AssignmentChapter 8, “Safety andChapter 9, “Security,”6-1.6-2.6-3.6-4.6-5.The first priority of theinvestigator of a mishap is todetermine who caused the mishap.1.True2 . F a l seWhich of the followinginvestigations is an independentcheck based on the guidelines of amishap investigation?1.Naval Safety Centerinvestigation2.JAG manual investigation3.TYCOM inquiry4.Each of the aboveWhich of the following times aftera mishap is ideal for beginning aninvestigation?1.72 hours2. 48 hours3.24 minutes4.12 minutesWhat evidence should you NOT try toobtain during a mishapinvestigation?1.Pieces of equipment or material2 .Sworn statements from witnesses3.Color photographs of the scene4.Photocopies of operating logsThe Handbook for the Conduct ofForces Afloat Safety Investigationscontains a checklist for commoninvestigations in which of thefollowing Appendixes?1. I2 . I I3.I I I4. IVDamage Control,” pages 8-1 through 8-11 andpages 9-1 through 9-45.6-6.6-7.6-8.6-9.6-10.Who is the division safety officer?1.The division officer2. The leading petty officer3.The work center supervisor4.The leading chief petty officerWho is the senior member of theenlisted safety committee?1.The command master chief2 .The commanding officer3.The executive officer4.The safety officerRequired survival training shouldinclude which of the followingt o p i c s?1.Leaving assigned spaces2.Fundamental first–aid3.Survival equipment4.Each of the aboveWithin the Navy, who has ultimateresponsibility for establishing andmaintaining the Information andPersonnel Security Program?1.Secretary of Defense2.Secretary of the Navy3.Director of Naval Intelligence4.Commander Naval Security andInvestigative CommandThe Navy Information and PersonnelSecurity Program exists for whichof the following reasons?1.To limit dissemination ofofficial government information2.To allow classified informationaccess to selected members ofthe armed services3.To safeguard officialgovernment information andmaterials in the possession ofvarious agencies of the UnitedStates4.Each of the above35A s s i g n m e n t 6
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