6-26.Personnel granted access toclassified information shall bedebriefed when a temporaryseparation exceeds what minimumamount of time?1.30 days2 .60 days3.90 days4.120 days6-27.Which of the following statementsdefine(s) a security violation?1.The compromise or possiblecompromise of classifiedinformation-2.A violation of securityregulations with no compromiseoccurring3.Both 1 and 2 above4.A weak command security program6-28.If a preliminary inquiry determinesthat classified information hasbeen compromised, who usuallyconvenes a JAG Manualinvestigation?1.The command having custody2 .The office of the JudgeAdvocate General3.The command that firstdircovers the compromise4.The next senior in theadministrative chain of commandthat initiates the preliminaryinquiry6-29.When security regulations areviolated without compromise ofclassified material, who isresponsible for taking correctivea c t i o n?1.The Naval Investigative Service2 .The commanding officer3.The security manager4.The senior person in theadministrative chain of command6-30.When classified information isimproperly handled by the sendinga c t i v i t y, which of the followingactivities should be notified?1.The commanding officer of thesending activity2.Chief of Naval Operations( O P - 0 9 N)3.The local NIS office4.Each of the above6-31.If you are aware of a possible actof sabotage, to whom should youreport this fact?1.Your commanding officer2.The most readily availablecommand3.Either 1 or 2 above dependingon who is most readilyavailable4.The command havingresponsibility for the materialor equipment involved6-32.A report to the Commander, NavalSecurity and Investigative Commandconcerning an act of sabotageshould be forwarded using which ofthe following types of messages?1.Classified ROUTINE2. Classified IMMEDIATE3.Unclassified IMMEDIATE4.Unclassified ROUTINE6-33.A member of the Department of theNavy who has a c c e s s t o c l a s s i f i edmaterial cormmits suicide.To whomshould you report the incident?1.The nearest NIS office2.The nearest FBI office3.The Chief of Naval Operations(OP-09N)4.The Director, NavalInvestigative Command38
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