6-51.Commanding officers shouldestablish procedures fordissemination of classifiedmaterial originated or received bytheir commands for which of thefollowing reasons?1.To identify exceptions to theprocedures in securityrcgulations2.To limit outside dissemination6-55.Where would you find the properlocation of the classified markingsused to indicate the classificationof the title of a document?1.Immediately preceding the title2 .Inunediately following the title3.Above the title4.Below the title6-56.What should be the first item ofto those activities having aneed to know3.To reflect any restrictionsimposed by the originator orhigher authority4.Both 2 and 3 above6-52.Classified material should bemarked for which of the followingreasons?6-57.1.To indicate the degree ofprotection required2 .To inform you of the level ofc l a s s i f i c a t i o n3.To assist you in extracting,paraphrasing, downgrading, anddeclassifying actions4.Each of the above6-53.How may the classification beindicated on classified material6-58.other than a document?1.By placing a tag, sticker. ordecal on the material2.Printed by a government printer3.Written in blue with a redborder4.Stamped in indelible red orblue ink6-54.Where are the interior pages of aclassified document marked toindicate the hiqhest overallc l a s s i f i c a t i o n l e v e l o f t he6-59.document?1.Top only2.Bottom Only3.Center only4.Top and bottom centerinformation in the text of aclassified message?1.The precedence of the message2 .The identity of the classifier3.The overall classification ofthe message4.The overall classification ofthe first pagePersonnel security investigationsfor the department of the Navy arenormally conducted or controlled bywhich of the followingorganizations?1.Defense Investigative Service2.Naval Investigative Service3.Defense Intelligence Agency4.National Security AgencyWhat investigation of civilianapplicants requires a check offederal agency files plus inquiriesto former employers,s u p e r v i s o rslaw enforcement agenciesreferences, and schools?1.National Agency Check2 .Background Investigation3.National Agency Check andInquiry4.Special BackgroundInvestigationWhat type of investigation includesan NAC of the individual’s spouse?1.National Agency Check andInquiry2.Special BackgroundInvestigation3.Special Investigative Inquiry4.Background Investigation41
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