6-11.What Navy office serves as theliaison between the Departments ofthe Navy and the Secretary of theDefense regarding security matters?1.Chief of Naval Operations(OP-09N)Chief of Naval Operations2. (OP-062)3.Director of NavalAdministration4.Chief of Naval Education andTraining6-12.Standards for the safeguardingclassified material in theDepartment of the Navy Informationand Personnel Security ProgramRegulation meet which of thef o l l o w i n g c r i t e r i a?1.The minimum acceptablestandards2 .The maximum acceptablestandards3.Recommended standards4 .Joint-services standards6-13.Department of the Navy informationand personnel security policies,procedures, and directives fromhigher authority are formulated bywhich of the following offices?1.Chief of Naval Operations(OP-009)2. Director, Naval Data AutomationCommand3.Commander, Naval Security andInvestigative Commander4.Chief of Naval Personnel6-14.Which of the followingorganizations provides overallpolicy guidance on information andpersonnel security?1.National Security Agency2 .National Security Council3.Naval Investigative Service4.Defense Investigative Service6-15.Which of the followingorganizations is the Department ofthe Navy’s sole liaison with theFBI on matters of internals e c u r i t y?1.National Security Agency2 .National Security Council3.Naval Investigative Service4.Defense Investigative Service6-16.Which of the following persons maybe assigned the duty of securitymanager without being granted awaiver?1.A line officer, a master chiefp e t t y o f f i c e r, and a civilianemployee (GS-9)2.A l i n e o f f i c e r , a m a s t e r c h i efp e t t y o f f i c e r, and a civilianemployee (GS-13)3.A line officer, a medicalservices corps officer, and acivilian employee (GS-13)4.A master chief petty officer, acryptologic officer, and amarine gunnery sergeant6-17.Which of the following functionsis/are the responsibility of thesecurity manager?1.Ensuring that clearance statusand access granted by thecommand are recorded2.Ensuring security control ofclassified visits to and fromthe command3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Performing National AgencyChecks on individuals whorequire security clearances6-18.In the organizational chain ofcommand, the Top Secret controlofficer is responsible to whatofficial for the control of TopSecret material in the command?1.The security manager2.The security officer3.The executive officer4.The crypto security officer36
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