The Morale, Welfare, and RecreationProgram was designed to improve thequality of life for which of thefollowing personnel?1.Active duty military2.Retired military3.Personnel associated with thearmed forces4.Each of the aboveAbout what percent of militarymembers experience financialdifficulty during their career?1.10 percent2.30 percent3.50 percent4.75 percentThe Navy Personal FinancialManagement Program contains whatmajor elements?1.Financial education, training,and counseling2.Bankruptcy law, free loans,credit cards3.Educational assistance andbankruptcy proceedings4.Credit cards, low cost loans,free legal adviceWhat is the goal of the Departmentof Defense Family Housing Program?1.To ensure all military membersreceive BAQ2.To ensure enough militaryhousing exists to house activeduty members3.To provide suitable housing tomilitary members and dependents4.To provide free housing toreserve personnelThe Navy Sponsor Program wasimplemented for which of thefollowing reasons?1.To help overcome the difficultyof a PCS move2.To provide a dependent careplan to single military parents3.To define military dependent’suse of Navy medical facilities4.To provide low cost housing tomilitary members and dependents5-10.5-11.5-12.5-13.5-14.5-15.5-16.5-17.5-18.5-19.The Overseas Duty support Programwas designed to help which of thefollowing personnel?1.Personnel on Embassy dutyPersonnel aboard deployingships3.Personnel assigned to overseasshore duty4.Each of the aboveThe major goal(s) of the OverseasDuty Support Program include whichof the following objectives?1.Providing free long distancetelephone service2 .Supplying information throughpublications, video tapes, andpersonal assistance3.Providing cross-training incounter–cultural relations4.Each of the aboveThe Navy supports the Overseas DutySupport Program by meeting which ofthe following goals?1.Increasing command knowledge,readiness,and effectiveness inthe ODSP2.Improving individual and familyexperiences in the uniqueenvironment of the host country3.Developing and maintainingpositive relations between theNavy and the countries in whichthe Navy operates4.Each of the aboveThe Overseas Transfer InformationService will accept collect phonecalls from within CONUS.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following Chief ofNaval Operations initiated CoreValues to strengthen and reinforcethe existing Pride andProfessionalism programs?1.Admiral Thomas B. Hayward2.Admiral James D. Watkins3.Admiral Carlisle A.H. Trost4.Admiral Frank B. Kelso II292.
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