ASSIGNMENT 5Textbook Assignment:Chapter 6 “Programs and Policies,” pages 6-1 through 6-15 andChapter 7, “Military Requirements," pages 7-1 through 7-26.5-1.Which of the following people musthave a formalized dependent careplan?1.Single military parents2.Married military couples whoare parents3.Both 1 and 2 above4.An unmarried chief with nodependents5-2.Single military parents should havewhich of the following documents onfile to identify custodians fortheir dependents?1.Navy Single Sponsor, OPNAV Form1740.42.Dental Care Form, OPNAV 11803.Dependent Care Certificate,OPNAV 1740/14.Custodian Assignment Form,OPNAV 1180/15-3.Which of the following items ofinformation concerning the Navy’sdependent care policy is containedin OPNAVINST 1740.4?1.2 .3.4.5-4.TheA list of prohibited dutystations for single sponsorsCommand and individualr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e sCounseling checklistsBoth 2 and 3 aboveFamily Advocacy Program coverswhich of the following persons?1.Abused wives2.Neglected children3.Sexually assaulted Wives4.Each of the above5-5.5 - 6.5-7.5 - 8 .5-9.The Family Service Center canprovide information on which of thefollowing programs?1.2 .3.4.Whothe1.2.3.4.ThetheFamily AdvocacyCommand SponsorCommand OmbudsmanEach of the aboveis responsible for appointingcommand ombudsman?The commanding officerThe executive officerThe wives clubChief of Naval Personnelcommand ombudsman determinespriorities of the commandombudsman program.1.True2.FalseThe term DUSTWUN applies to whichof the following categories ofpersonnel?1.Unaccounted for––duty status–whereabouts unknown2.Accounted for––duty status–whereabouts unknown3.Reported missing4.Reported deadWhich of the following personnelmay serve as a CACO?1.An ensign with 1 year of activeduty2.A chief petty officer3.A first class petty officer4.Each of the above28
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