ASSIGNMENT 4Textbook Assignment:Chapter 4, “Management Information," pages 4-1 through 4-36 andChapter 5, “Career Information and Training,” pages 5-1 through 5-25.4-1.Preparing and submitting a budgetrequest is what form of planning?1.Long–range2 .Medium–range3.Short–range4.Micro4-2.Who develops the budget resolutioneach year?1.The President2.Congress3.The General Accounting Office4.The Office of Management andBudget4-3.When forecasting your yearly budget,the period of 1 October to 30September can be viewed with a greatdeal of uncertainty.1.True2 .False4-4.When purchasing a ship, the Navyuses what type of budgeting tofigure the cost?1.Incremental2 .Zero–based3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Additional4-5.Supply facilities established tosupport public works departments orground electronics shops are called1.stock control branches2.s e l f – s e r v i c e s t o r stores4.rapid communication and delivery4-6.Which of the following supplyestablishments is responsible forexpediting material from outsidesources?1.Rapid communication and deliverysystems2.Retail issue organizations3.Material division4.Receipt control branch4 - 7.Which of the following items isconsidered equipage?1.Electronic computer2 .Missile launcher3.Diesel engine4.Anchor4-8.You could figure the three monthusage rate for fast–moving items byusing which of the followingformulas?1.Multiplying last month’s usageby 2.2.Dividing last month’s usage by 23.Multiplying last month’s usageby 34.Dividing last month’s usage by 34 - 9.Which of the following terms appliesto specific repair parts intended tobe used when troubleshootingelectronic equipment?1.Ready service spares2.Maintenance assist modules3.Maintenance repair modules4.Operating space repair spares4-10.What officer assigns the forceactivity designator?1.Supply officer2.Department head3.Fleet commander4.Commanding officer22
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