2-36.You are required to have your shipready to get underway in themorning.It is nearing liberty calland most of the work has not beenaccomplished.Which of thefollowing administrative actionsshould you apply?1.Withholding of privileges2.Extra military instruction3.Extension of working hours4.Control through recognition ofperformance2-37.You have a basic responsibility torecognize initiative and exemplaryperformance of your subordinates.1.True2 .False2-38.Which, if any, of the followingchapters in the SORN containorganizational requirements foraviation units?1.Standard unit organization2.The unit organization3.Watch organization4.None of the above2-39.You are a work center supervisor andwould like to find out what yourLCPO responsibilities consist of.Which, if any, of the followingchapters in the SORN would provideguidance?1.Standard unit organization2.The unit organization3.Watch organization4.None of the above2-40.Which of the following chapters inthe SORN should the departmentalduty officer review?1.Standard unit organization2 .The unit organization3.Watch organization4.Both 2 and 3 above2-41.A person departing on leave mustpossess which of the followingdocuments?1.Properly validated leave papersand ID card2.Armed forces liberty pass3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Geneva Convention card2-42.Without proper authority, a personshall not remove which of thefollowing items from the regularplace of stowage or location?1.First–aid equipment2.Stores and foodstuffs3.Hull and damage control fittings4.Each of the above2-43.Which of following statements is NOTtrue concerning berthing?1.You may be placed on report forfailing to get up at reveille2.You may sleep or lie on yourbunk in working clothes3.You may not sleep in your workspaces unless authorized4.You may turn on white lights inberthing any time you wantbetween reveille and taps2-44.You pass the ship’s library aftertaps and notice some sailors playingmonopoly.Which of the followingactions should you take?1.Ask the sailors to follow you tothe chief’s quarters and havethem wait while you fill out areport chit for violatingarticle 510.01 of the SORN2 .Stop and watch the sailors playthe game3.Remind the sailors it is againstregulations to engage in gamesof any type after taps andensure they quit4.Continue on to the chiefsquarters without stopping2-45.While in a liberty status aboardship, you may wear civilian clotheswhile dining in the crew’s mess.1.True2.False12
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