Distribution of the Report ofSurvey Form After Final ActionThe original report with all attachments isretained at the activity if copies are not requiredby higher authority.A duplicate is returned to the appropriateproperty officer to replace the quadruplicate copy,which may then be destroyed if not required byhigher authority.The triplicate copy is destroyed if pecuniaryliability is not assessed. If pecuniary liability isassessed, send a copy to the disbursing officer.INVENTORIESInventories should be conducted at regularintervals, following prescribed procedures.Controlled Equipage InventoryAll items of controlled equipage are inventoriedon an annual basis during the period 15 Februaryto 15 March.At least 1 month before 15 February, thesupply officer prepares an official notice advisingall department heads of procedural details to befollowed when conducting their annual inventoriesof controlled equipage. The notice is signed bythe commanding officer or by an officer withdelegated authority.Heads of departments are responsible forconducting the inventory of items for which theyhave custody. The file of duplicate NAVSUPForms 306, as well as subcustody records, can beused as a basis for conducting and recordingphysical inventories of controlled equipage.All items are sighted and inspected for service-ability by the officer conducting the inventory.Binoculars, small arms, and other equipmentidentified by serial numbers are checked by thosenumbers during the inventory. As each item isinventoried, the inventorying officer enters thedate and quantity and signs the reverse side of thedepartment copy of the custody card.As the inventory progresses or immediatelyafter completion,the inventory record istranscribed to the original card held by thesupply officer. When the inventoried quantity ofan item differs from the verified custody recordbalance, a recount or an investigative research orboth is required.After the above procedures have beenaccomplished, the following additional actions arerequired: and unserviceable items dis-covered incident to inventory are promptlysurveyed.Inventory adjustments are posted to thecustody card.Issue requests are prepared and submittedto the supply officer for procurement ofany replacement items required.A report of inventory completion is sub-mitted to the commanding officer.Upon completion of a controlled equipageinventory, each department head submits a letterreport to the commanding officer, with a copyto the supply officer. When controlled equipageis inventoried incident to a change of departmenthead, the letter report is signed by both therelieved and relieving department heads. Letterreports should include a list of excess controlledequipage items. This list should include justifica-tion or authority for any excess items you wantto retain. Letter reports should include1.2.3.4.Othercompletion of the controlled equipageinventory,submission of shortages and unserviceableitems,replenishment of shortages and unservice-able items, andjustification or authority for any excessitems to be retained.InventoriesPhysical inventories of stores in the technicalcustody of the supply department but in thephysical custody of other departments are takenat the end of each quarter or when prescribed bythe supply officer. The inventory is checkedagainst the stock record cards, signed by thecustodian department head, and submitted to thesupply officer. The following are examples of howyou should prepare the space for inventory:1.2.3.Ensure the stowage is orderly and followsa prearranged stowage plan.Ensure unopened boxes and other containersare stowed with labels and other identifyinginformation facing outward.Ensure loose items are repackaged instandard bulk lots when practical.4-22
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