that exceeds 18 percent simple interestper year. Personnel may not act as asalesperson or an agent or engage in abusiness on board without permission ofthe commanding officer.1115. Report of FraudAny suspicions of fraud, collusion, orimproper conduct in matters concerning suppliesand repairs should be reported to properauthority.1125. Inspection of the Record of a Person inthe Naval ServiceA person’s naval record is maintainedby the Chief of Naval Personnel or theCommandant of the Marine Corps. The recordmust be available for inspection by that personor an authorized agent designated in writing bythat person.1130. Officer’s Duties Relative to Laws, Ordersand RegulationsAll officers in the naval service will acquaintthemselves with and obey the laws, regulations,and orders relating to the Department of theNavy. They will also, as far as their authorityextends, enforce these laws, regulations, andorders. They should faithfully and truthfullydischarge the duties of their office to the bestof their ability in conformance with existing ordersand regulations and their solemn professionof the oath of office. In the absence ofinstructions, they will act in conformity withthe policies and customs of the service to protectthe public interest.1132. Compliance With Lawful OrdersAll persons in the naval service arerequired to obey readily and strictly, andto execute promptly, the lawful orders oftheir superiors.1133. Language Reflecting on a SuperiorDo not use language that diminishesthe confidence and respect due superiorofficers.1134. Exchange of DutyAn assigned duty may not be changedwith another person (such as tradingwatches) without permission from properauthority.1137. Obligation To Report OffensesAll offenses observed shouldreported to the proper authority.be1138. Responsibilities Concerning Marijuana,Narcotics, and Other Controlled SubstancesPersonnel may not bring on board any navalactivity, or have in their possession at anytime, marijuana, narcotics, or any controlledsubstances.1143. Report of a Communicable DiseasePersonnel should report any suspicions ofcommunicable disease to their medical represent-ative.1144. ImmunizationPersonnel must take the immunizations pre-scribed for them as scheduled.1145. Service ExaminationsNo persons in the Navy, without properauthority, should have or attempt to have in theirpossession, any examination papers, any part orcopy thereof, or any examination answer sheets.They also will not obtain, sell, publish, give,purchase, receive, or reproduce any of theseexamination products.1150. Redress of Wrong Committed by aSuperiorA person who believes a superior exercisesauthority in an unjust or cruel manner or isguilty of misconduct should submit a complaintto his or her commanding officer.2-12
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