Collecting Documentary EvidenceCollect documentary evidence such as ShorePatrol reports, log entries, watch bills, servicerecord entries, local instructions, or organizationalmanuals. Attach the original or a certified copyof relevant documents to the investigator’s report.Check to see if you, as investigator, have theauthority to certify relevant documents. If you do,write on the documents the words certified to bea true copy, and sign your name.Collecting Real EvidenceReal evidence is a physical object, such as aknife used in an assault or a stolen camera in atheft case. Before seeking real evidence, becomefamiliar with the Military Rules of Evidenceconcerning searches and seizures. The Manual forCourts-Martial, 1984 contains the Military Rulesof Evidence. Take photographs of an object if itis too large to bring to NJP proceedings. Leavereal evidence in the custody of a law enforcementagency unless otherwise directed; however,personally examine the evidence.Advise the AccusedBefore questioning the accused, have theaccused sign the acknowledgement line on thefront of the report chit and initial any attachedpages.Use the Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement form (figs. 2-5 and 2-6) as a checklistFigure 2-6.-Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement (Back).2-7
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