STATUTORY AUTHORITY FORUNITED STATES NAVYREGULATIONSChapter 1 contains the 0100 article series. Thischapter discusses the origin of Navy Regs, thestatutory authority, issuance of other directives,and maintenance of Navy regulations.0103. Purpose and Effect of United States NavyRegulationsUnited States Navy Regulations is theprinciple regulatory document of theDepartment of the Navy, endowed withthe sanction of law, as to duty, authority,distinctions and relationships of variouscommands,officials and individuals.Other directives issued within the Depart-ment of the Navy shall not conflict with,alter or amend any provision of NavyRegulations.0107. Maintenance of Navy RegulationsThe Chief of Naval Operations is responsiblefor maintaining Navy Regulations. Wheneverany person in the Navy believes a change to NavyRegulations is needed, that person should forwarda draft of the change through the chain ofcommand along with a statement of the reasonsfor the change. The Secretary of the Navy mustapprove all additions, changes or deletions toNavy Regulations.THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVYChapter 2 covers the 0200 article series. Thischapter discusses the origin and authority of theDepartment of the Navy and briefly covers itsmission and composition.THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVYChapter 3 covers the 0300 article series. Thischapter is divided into two sections and twosubsections. Section 1 outlines the responsibilitiesof the Secretary of the Navy. Section 2 describesthe composition, responsibility, and authority ofthe Office of the Secretary of the Navy. Section2A outlines the responsibilities of civilianexecutive assistants within the Office of theSecretary of the Navy. Section 2B outlines theresponsibilities of staff assistants within theDepartment of the Navy.THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONSChapter 4 contains the 0400 article series. Thischapter describes the responsibilities of the Chiefof Naval Operations.THE COMMANDANT OF THEMARINE CORPSChapter 5 covers the 0500 article series. Thischapter outlines the responsibilities of theCommandant of the Marine Corps.THE UNITED STATES COASTGUARD (WHEN OPERATING AS ASERVICE IN THE NAVY)Chapter 6 covers the 0600 article series.The United States Coast Guard is normally acomponent of the Department of Transportation;however, upon declaration of war or whendirected by the President, the Coast Guardoperates as a component within the Departmentof the Navy. This chapter assigns the duties ofthe Commandant of the Coast Guard and outlinesthe duties and responsibilities of the office of theCommandant.COMMANDERS IN CHIEFAND OTHER COMMANDERSChapter 7 covers the 0700 article series. Thischapter is divided into three sections. Section 1describes the titles and duties of commanders.Section 2 explains the organization of a staff andthe authority and responsibility of the staffofficers. Section 3 outlines the administration anddiscipline of the staff of a commander or aseparate and detached command.THE COMMANDING OFFICERChapter 8 contains the 0800 article series. Thischapter is divided into three sections. Section 1describes the general authority and responsibilitiesof the commanding officer. Section 2 outlines theadditional responsibilities of commanding officersafloat. Section 3, divided into two subsections,covers special circumstances. Subsection Aconcerns ships in naval stations and shipyards,and subsection B contains regulations governingprospective commanding officers.2-9
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