Interrogate WitnessesYou can obtain a significant amount of infor-mation from the witnesses. Start by interrogatingthe person who initiated the report and thepeople listed as witnesses. You may discoverother persons having relevant information whenquestioning these people.Don’t begin the inquiry by interrogating theaccused. The accused has the greatest motive forlying or distorting the truth—if the accused isguilty. Leave the interrogation of the accuseduntil last. Even when the accused has admittedguilt, you should first collect all other evidencecollaborating the confession of the accused.Request that witnesses who have relevantinformation make a sworn statement. If youinterview a witness by telephone, write a summaryof the interview and certify it to be true.Elicit all relevant information during yourinterview of a witness. One method is to start witha general survey question. Ask the witness to relateeverything he or she knows about the case. Thenfollow-up with more specific questions. Afterspeaking with the witness, help the witness writea statement that is thorough, relevant, orderly,and clear. The substance of the statement mustconsist of the witness’s thoughts, knowledge, orbeliefs about the accused. Limit your assistanceto helping the witness express himself or herselfaccurately and effectively in writing.Figure 2-5.-Suspect’s Rights Acknowledgment/Statement (Front).2-6
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