1021. Authority Over SubordinatesThis article gives officers the authoritynecessary to perform their duties.1022. Delegation of AuthorityThe delegation of authority and issu-ance of orders and instructions by a per-son in the naval service shall not relievesuch person from any responsibility imposedupon him or her. He or she shall ensurethat the delegated authority is properlyexercised and that his or her orders andinstructions are properly executed.1023. Abuse of AuthorityPersons in authority are forbidden toinjure their subordinates by tyrannical orcapricious conduct, or by abusivelanguage.1024. Contradictory and Conflicting OrdersAn enlisted person who receives an orderthat annuls, suspends, or modifies one receivedfrom another superior will immediately relatethat fact to the superior from whom the lastorder was received. If, after receiving thatinformation, the superior from whom the lastorder was received should insist upon theexecution of that order, the person must obeyit. The person receiving and executing suchorder will report the circumstances as soonas practicable to the superior from whom theoriginal order was received.1033. Authority in a BoatThis article provides the senior line officereligible for command at sea the authority over allpersons embarked in a boat. It also delegates theofficer responsibility for the safety and manage-ment of the boat.1037. Authority of Warrant Officers, Noncom-missioned Officers, and Petty OfficersChief warrant officers, warrant of-ficers, noncommissioned officers and pettyofficers shall have, under their superiors,all necessary authority for the proper per-formance of their duties, and they shall beobeyed accordingly.1038. Authority of a SentryA sentry, within the limits stated in hisor her orders, has authority over all per-sons on his or her post.1039. Authority of Juniors To Issue Orders toSeniorsNo member of the armed forces isauthorized by virtue of his or her rankalone to give any order or grant anyprivilege, permission, or liberty to any of-ficer senior to him or her. A member is notrequired to receive such order, privilege,permission, or liberty from a junior, unlesssuch junior is at the time:a. in command of the ship or othercommand to which the senior is attachedb. in command or direction of themilitary expedition or duty on which suchsenior is servingc. an executive officer executing anorder of the commanding officerGENERAL REGULATIONSChapter 11 contains the 1100 article series.This chapter is divided into five sections. Section1 covers the topic of administration of discipline.Section 2 outlines the standards of conduct.Section 3 contains regulations governing officialrecords. Section 4 explains the general duties ofindividuals within the Navy. Section 5 defines therights and restrictions of persons in the navalservice.1111. Pecuniary Dealings With Enlisted PersonsNo officer should have any dealings involvingmoney with enlisted persons except as may berequired in the performance of the officer’sduties or as involved in the sale of personalproperty. An officer may be designated bysuperior authority to accept deposits fromenlisted personnel for the purpose of safe-guarding these funds under emergency oroperational situations.1112. Lending Money and Engaging in a Tradeor BusinessNaval personnel are not permitted to lendmoney to another member of the armed servicesat an interest rate, for the period of the loan,2-11
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