c. Have in his/her possession a false
b. Engage in any card games or other
or unauthorized identification card; or a
games during prescribed working hours or
mutilated, erased, altered, or not properly
during the hours between taps and reveille,
validated identification card; or an iden-
or during divine services.
tification card bearing false or inaccurate
information concerning a name, grade,
510.10 Civilian Clothing
service number, or date of birth.
d. Return from leave without
depositing his/her leave papers with the
You may wear civilian clothing based on the
following regulations unless the privilege has been
proper authority. Any person returning
without an identification card shall report
the loss to the OOD in person.
You are permitted to wear civilian clothing
510.7 Berthing
when leaving or returning to a naval unit, awaiting
transportation to leave the unit, while on authorized
No person will:
leave of absence, liberty, or in any off-duty status
on shore.
a. Sleep in any spaces or use any bunk
Your dress and personal appearance must
or berth other than that to which assigned,
be appropriate for the occasion and not bring
except as authorized by proper authority.
b. Sleep or lie on any bunk or berth
discredit on the naval service. Uniform items may
not be worn with civilian clothing except as
while clothed in dungarees or working
provided in U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations.
clothes or while wearing shoes.
c. Smoke while sitting or lying on any
bunk or berth, or smoke in any berthing
space during the night hours between taps
and reveille.
d. Remove any mattress from any
bunk or place of stowage or place such
mattress on the deck or in any place other
than a bunk, except as authorized by
proper authority.
e. Create a disturbance or turn on any
white light in any berthing or living space
during the night hours between taps and
reveille, except as required to perform
assigned duties.
f. Fail to turn out of his/her bunk at
reveille, except when he/she is on the sick
list or authorized to late bunk.
g. Be authorized late bunk privileges
unless he/she has had a midwatch or made
a boat trip as a crew member after 2200
the previous day or is specifically author-
ized late bunk privileges by the Executive
Officer or Command Duty Officer. All
late bunk sleepers will turn out at 0700.
510.9 Card Games and Gambling
No person will:
a. Gamble for money with playing
cards, dice, or other apparatus or methods
on board naval units.
510.18 Emergency Equipment
NO PERSON shall use emergency
equipment for any purpose other than that
for which it is intended. Emergency equip-
ment includes items such as battle lanterns,
EMERGENCY FIRST AID boxes, shoring,
wrenches, life rings, equipment in life rafts
and boats, portable fire pumps, fire hoses,
and fuel for emergency machinery.
510.21 Government Property
No person shall:
a. Conceal or fail to report to proper
authority the loss, removal, destruction,
or damage of Government property en-
trusted to his/her care or custody.
b. Remove without proper authority
from its regular place of stowage or
location, for any purpose whatever, any
article of Government property, including
hull and damage control fittings, first aid
equipment, life saving and emergency
equipment, and stores and foodstuffs.
c. Have in his/her possession any
article of Government property except as
may be necessary for the performance of
his/her duty or as may be authorized by
proper authority.