d. The personal effects of an absent orAdditional Regulatory Articles of Interestincapacitated officer will be inventoriedand packed by two officers designated byThe following is a list of regulatory articlesthe Executive Officer and will be deliveredyou should be familiar with:to the supply office for safekeeping anddisposition per current instructions.510.47 Refuse, rubbish, trash, garbage,hazardous waste, oils, and oily waste510.44 Photographic EquipmentdisposalNo person shall:510.48 Removal of equipment from shipa. Possess or introduce on board a510.52 Safe combinationsnaval unit any camera or other photo-graphic equipment capable of exposing a510.54 Search and seizurephotographic plate or film withoutpermission of the Commanding Officer or510.59 Smartnesshis authorized representative.b. Make photographs of a naval unit510.61 Special clothingor its equipment, or of objects from theunit, without permission of the Com-510.68 Unauthorized articlesmanding Officer, and then only of theobjects for which permission was specifi-cally given.UNIT BILLSc. While on watch or duty as a sentryor member of a patrol, knowingly permitChapter 6 provides the guidelines for estab-the introduction of any camera or photo-lishing administrative, operational, emergency,graphic equipment on board a naval unitand special unit bills.unless such equipment is authorized bythe Commanding Officer or authorizedSAFETYrepresent ative.Chapter 7 provides for a safety program and510.45 Plan of the Daycovers the internal reporting of mishaps andhazards.A plan of the day will be publisheddaily by the Executive Officer or anauthorized representative and will issueTRAININGsuch orders and directives as the ExecutiveOfficer may issue. When the ExecutiveChapter 8 establishes the elements and pro-Officer is absent from the unit it will becedures for an effective training program,issued by the Command Duty Officer.SHIP MAINTENANCEa. The Plan of the Day will be postedAND MODERNIZATIONon all department and division bulletinboards.b. All persons will read the Plan of theChapter 9 explains the Ship Maintenance andDay each day. They are responsible forModernization program aimed at providing theobeying applicable orders containedmaximum operational availability to fleettherein. In port, the Plan of the Day willcommanders.be read at quarters.UNIT DIRECTIVES SYSTEM510.46 Profane LanguageChapter 10 sets forth and explains the pro-No person will use profane, obscene,cedures and purpose of the unit directives systemor vulgar words or gestures on board athe Navy uses to communicate plans and policiesnaval unit.throughout the Navy.2-18
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