to ensure you correctly advise the accused of hisor her rights before asking any questions. Whenyou first meet the accused, fill in this page as yourfirst order of business. You may serve as your ownwitness that you advised the accused of his or herrights by signing this form; no one else is required.Interrogate the AccusedYou may question the accused ONLY IF HEOR SHE HAS KNOWINGLY AND INTELLI-GENTLY WAIVED HIS OR HER STATUTORYRIGHTS. If the accused makes the waiver, recordit on the accused’s statement. If the accused askedyou if he or she should waive his or her rights,decline to answer or give advice. You are onlyauthorized to advise the accused of his or herrights. Never advise the accused on legal matters.Let the accused obtain a lawyer if he or she sodesires.After the accused waives his or her rights,begin the questioning in a low-keyed manner.Permit the accused to give his or her own versionof the incident. When the accused has finishedpresenting the facts, begin to probe with pointedquestions. Confront the accused with incon-sistencies in the story or contradictions withother evidence. Remember, a confession that isnot voluntary cannot be used as evidence.Any confession that is obtained by coercion,unlawful influence, or unlawful inducement is notvoluntary.The following are some examples of coercion,unlawful influence, or an unlawful inducement:Infliction of bodily harm, includingquestioning accompanied by deprivationof the necessities of life, such as food,sleep, or adequate clothingThreat of bodily harmImposition or threats of confinement, ordeprivation of privileges or necessitiesPromises of immunity or clemency as toany offense committed by the accusedPromises of reward or benefit, or threatsof disadvantage likely to induce the accusedto make the confession or statementIf the accused desires to make a written state-ment, make sure the accused has acknowledgedand waived all of his or her rights. You may helpthe accused draft the statement, but you must becareful not to put words in the accused’s mouthor trick the accused into saying something he orshe does not intend to say. If you type the state-ment, permit the accused to read it over carefullyand make any necessary changes. The accusedshould initial any changes, and you should witnessthem in writing.Oral statements are admissible into evidenceagainst the accused. If the accused does not wishto put his or her statements in writing, attach acertified summary of the interrogation to yourreport. If the accused makes a written statementbut omits some of the statements made orally, adda certified summary of items omitted from theaccused’s statement.U.S. NAVY REGULATIONSThe 12 chapters of Navy Regulations (NavyRegs) describe the authority and responsibilitiesof the offices within the Department of the Navy.They also describe the regulations concerning theprocedures, authority, and command of thoseoffices. Navy Regs also covers honors andceremonies, the rights and responsibilities ofpersons in the Department of the Navy, and thepurpose and force of these regulations.Each ship and station has complete copies ofNavy Regs available to all personnel. Alsoavailable is an excellent nonresident trainingcourse entitled Navy Regulations, NAVEDTRA13082, which you are encouraged to complete.Your educational services officer (ESO) can helpyou order this course.The following sections list articles (with acondensation of their text, if appropriate) fromUnited States Navy Regulations, 1990 that seniorenlisted personnel in the Navy should know. Thislisting serves only as a starting place for you tolearn about Navy regulations. You are responsiblefor learning and obeying all regulations. Theseregulations are not punitive articles, but lawsunder which the Navy operates. Many existfor your own protection. Failure to obey anyregulation subjects the offender to charges underarticle 92, UCMJ (Failure to obey order orregulation).When the article itself is self-explanatory, thearticle is presented in block quotation exactly asstated in Navy Regs; no further explanation isgiven. Articles that are lengthy and, in some cases,difficult to interpret are paraphrased to give youa brief overview of the contents of the article.2-8
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