PRELIMINARY INQUIRY4. Originals or copies of documentaryevidenceThe legal officer forwards the report chit to5. If the accused waives all his or her rights,you. Once you receive it, you can begin conductinga signed sworn statement by the accused;the preliminary inquiry of the reported offense.or a summary of the interrogation ofYou shouId usually conduct the inquiry informally.the accused, signed and sworn to by theYour final report on the preliminary inquiryaccused; or bothshould consist of the following items:6. Any additional comments you feel are1.2.3.necessaryReport and Disposition of Offense(s)(NAVPERS 1626/7)ObjectiveInvestigator’s Report (fig. 2-3)Statements or summaries of interviews withYour primary objective in conducting theall witnesses; sworn statements, if possiblepreliminary inquiry is to collect all available(fig. 2-4)evidence pertaining to the alleged offense(s). YourFigure 2-3.-lnvestigator’s Report.2-4
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