Then there are illicit drugs, DRUGS PROHIBITEDBY LAW. Illicit drugs and some legal dregs normallyavailable only by a doctor’s prescription aremanufactured by unscrupulous individuals for sale tounderground buyers. These drugs are usually inferiorproducts prepared in unsanitary laboratories for futuremarketing on our nation’s streets.Some types of drugs that are used legally andillegally are narcotics, stimulants, depressants,hallucinogens, and deliriant. These drugs are describedas follows:NARCOTICS. -Narcotic drugs include some of themost valuable medicines known, as well as some of themost abused. The term narcotics original] y referred toopium and the drugs made from opium, such as heroin,codeine, and morphine. Opium is obtained from theopium poppy plant; morphine and codeine are extractedfrom opium. Medical science has developedsynthesized drugs, called opiates, that have propertiessimilar to heroin, codeine, or morphine. Those drugs arealso classified as narcotic drugs.A drug abuser under the influence of narcoticsusually appears lethargic and drowsy or displayssymptoms of deep intoxication. The pupils of the eyesare often constricted and fail to respond to light.Some abusers may drink paregoric or coughmedicines containing narcotics. The person’s breathoften has the medicinal odor of these preparations. Other“beginner” narcotic abusers inhale narcotic drugs, suchas heroin. They sometimes have traces of this whitepowder around their nostrils. Constant inhaling ofnarcotic drugs makes their nostrils red and raw.The drug addict usually injects narcotics directlyinto a vein. The most common site of the injection is theinner surface of the arm at the elbow. After repeatedinjections, scar tissue (tracks) develops along the veins.Because of the easy identification of these marks,narcotic abusers usually wear long sleeves at odd times.Females sometimes use makeup to cover the marks.Some males get tattooed at injection sites. Abusers whoinject narcotics under unsterile conditions often getblood poisoning. They often contract diseases such ashepatitis and acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) and tropical diseases such as malaria.Those who inject drugs must keep the equipmentthey used to inject the drugs handy. Therefore, they mayhide the equipment on themselves or in a place wherethey will have temporary privacy, such as a nearbylocker or washroom. Some commonly used instrumentsand accessories are bent spoons, bottle caps, small ballsof cotton, syringes, eyedroppers, and hypodermicneedles. Abusers use them all in the injection process.Spoons or bottle caps hold the narcotic in a little waterfor heating over a match or lighter; cotton falters thenarcotic as it is drawn through the needle into a syringeor an eyedropper. Abusers usually keep the used cottonbecause it retains a small amount of the narcotic. Theycan then extract it if unable to obtain additional drugs.You can easily identify a bent spoon or bottle cap usedto heat the narcotic because it becomes blackened by theheating process.Under federal law, some preparations containingsmall amounts of narcotic drugs maybe sold without aprescription; for example, cough mixtures containingcodeine. Although these preparations are relatively freeof addiction potential when used as directed, they havebeen abused.Opiates. -Natural and synthetic morphine-likedrugs derived from opiates are the most effective painrelievers known. Physicians often prescribe them forshort-term acute pain resulting from surgery, fractures,burns, and the latter stages of terminal illnesses such ascancer.Since opiates depress the central nervous system,they produce a marked reduction in sensitivity to pain,create drowsiness, and reduce physical activity. Sideeffects can include nausea and vomiting, constipation,itching, flushing, constriction of pupils, and respiratorydepression.Heroin. –Heroin is a white or brown powder knownto the addict as H, horse, caballo, white stuff, white lade,Harry, joy powder, doojee, sugar, stag, or smack. Itproduces an intense euphoria resulting in an easing offears and relief from worry; however, a state ofinactivity bordering on stupor often follows. Sinceabusers rapidly develop a tolerance for the drug, theymust ingest increasingly large quantities to get a “kick.”Abusers ingest heroin in a variety of ways, includingsniffing (snorting), smoking, or injecting it into a vein(mainlining) or just under the skin (joy popping). Thelatter two methods require the abuser to liquify thepowder before using it.Heroin is manufactured from morphine and, weightfor weight, is up to 10 times more potent than morphine.Users “cut” or dilute pure heroin with other substancessuch as milk sugar (lactose) or quinine, or both. The drugsold to the addict as heroin usually contains one partheroin plus nine parts or more of other substances. Sincethose other substances are quite often toxic to the humansystem, they can result in the death of the user.3-9
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