1137. Obligation to Report OffensesPersons in the naval service shall report assoon as possible to superior authority alloffenses under the Uniform Code of MilitaryJustice which come under their observation,except when such persons are themselvesalready criminally involved in such offenses atthe time such offenses first come under theirobservation.You should report all offenses under the UCMJ thatyou see to the proper authority unless reporting theoffense would incriminate yourself. This is known asself-incrimination.1138. Responsibilities Concerning Marijuana,Narcotics and Other Controlled SubstancesPersonnel may not bring on board any navalactivity, or have in their possession at any time,marijuana, narcotics, or any controlled substances.1140. Capture by an EnemyA person in the naval service who is captured by theenemy is required to give name, grade or rate, servicenumber, and date of birth. That person will make nostatement disloyal to, critical of, or harmful to theUnited States or its allies.1142. Unavoidable Separation from aCommandPersons who become separated from their ship,station, or unit by shipwreck, disaster, or otherunavoidable happening, should proceed to the nearestU.S. military activity as soon as possible.1143. Report of a Communicable DiseasePersonnel should report any suspicions ofcommunicable disease to their medical representative.1144. ImmunizationPersonnel must take the immunizations prescribedfor them as scheduled.1145. Service ExaminationsNo persons in the Navy, without proper authority,should have or attempt to have in their possession, anyexamination papers, any part or copy thereof, or anyexamination answer sheets. They also must not obtain,sell, publish, give, purchase, receive, or reproduce anyof these examination products.1150. Redress of Wrong Committed by aSuperiorA person who believes a superior has wrongedhim/her or is guilty of misconduct should submit acomplaint to his/her commanding officer.1151. Direct Communication with theCommanding OfficerThe right of any person in the naval serviceto communicate with the commanding officerin a proper manner, and at a proper time andplace, shall not be denied or restricted.1152. Suggestions for ImprovementAny person in the Navy may submit suggestions orconstructive criticism about efficiency or economicalmethods of administration or management within theDepartment of the Navy. Suggestions or criticismshould be submitted to the Secretary of the Navythrough the chain of command.1154. Communications to the CongressPersonnel may not, in their official capacity, applyto Congress for congressional action of any kind orprovide information requested by Congress. The onlyexception to this regulation is such communication asauthorized by the Secretary of the Navy or as providedby law.1155. Dealings with Members of CongressAll persons may write to their congressmen in apersonal or private capacity on any subject as long asthey do not violate security regulations or the law.2-12Student Notes:
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