1101. Demand for Court MartialExcept as otherwise provided in theUniform Code of Military Justice, no person inthe naval service may demand a court martialeither on him- or herself or on any other personin the naval service.1102. Limitations on Certain PunishmentsInstruments of restraint, such as handcuffs,chains, irons and straitjackets, shall not beapplied as punishment. Other instruments ofrestraint may not be used except for safecustody and no longer than is strictlynecessary….The punishments of extra duties and hardlabor without confinement are not performedon Sunday, although Sunday counts in thecomputation of the period for which suchpunishments are imposed.Guard duty shall not be inflicted aspunishment.1104. Treatment and Release of PrisonersPersons in confinement must not be subjected tocruel or unusual treatment. They must be visited at leastonce every 4 hours to check on their condition and tocare for their needs. In the event of an emergency, theymay be removed to a safe area or released within thelimits of the command. No greater force than thatrequired to restrain or to confine an offender should beused to take into custody a person under the influence ofalcohol, marijuana, narcotic substances, or othercontrolled substances.1105. Places of ConfinementPrisoners must be confined only in brigs or otherfacilities designated as naval places of confinement bythe Secretary of the Navy. In case of necessarytemporary confinement, the senior officer present mayauthorize confinement in spaces that provide sufficientsecurity, safety for both prisoner and guards, andadequate living conditions.Persons under the influence of alcohol or otherdrugs should not be confined in any place or manner thatmay be dangerous to them in their condition.1110. Standards of ConductAll Department of the Navy personnel areexpected to conduct themselves in accordancewith the highest standards of personal andprofessional integrity and ethics. At aminimum, all personnel shall comply withdirectives issued by the Secretary of Defenseand the Secretary of the Navy regarding theStandards of Conduct and Government Ethics.1111. Pecuniary Dealings with EnlistedPersonsNo officer should have any dealings involvingmoney with enlisted persons except as may be requiredin the performance of the officer’s duties or as involvedin the sale of personal property. An officer may bedesignated by superior authority to accept deposits fromenlisted personnel for the purpose of safeguarding thosefunds under emergency or operational situations.1112. Lending Money and Engaging in a Tradeor BusinessNaval personnel must not lend money to anothermember of the armed services at an interest rate, for theperiod of the loan, that exceeds 18 percent simpleinterest per year. Personnel may not act as a salespersonor an agent or engage in a business on board withoutpermission of the commanding officer.1113. Endorsement of Commercial Product orProcessExcept as necessary during contractadministration to determine specification orother compliance, no person in the Departmentof the Navy, in his or her official capacity, shallendorse or express an opinion of approval ordisapproval of any commercial product orprocess.2-10Student Notes:
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