1156. Forwarding Individual RequestsRequests from persons in the naval serviceshall be acted upon promptly. When addressedto higher authority, requests shall be forwardedwithout delay. The reason should be statedw h e n a r e q u e s t i s n o t a p p r o v e d o rrecommended.1157. Leave and LibertyLeave and liberty will be granted to themaximum extent practicable.1159. Possession of WeaponsPersonnel may not have any weapons or explosivesin their possession without proper authority.1160. Possession of Government PropertyPersonnel shall not possess, withoutpermission, any property of the United Statesexcept what is needed in the performance oftheir duty.1162. Alcoholic BeveragesThe personal possession of any alcoholic beveragesaboard any ship is prohibited. The transportation aboardship of alcoholic beverages for personal use ashore isauthorized subject to the discretion of and underregulations established by the commanding officer.1164. Equal Opportunity and TreatmentAll persons in the Department of the Navyregardless of their race, color, religion, sex, or nationalorigin, consistent with requirements for physicalcapabilities, will be afforded equal opportunity andtreatment.1165. Fraternization ProhibitedNo person in the Navy is to enter a personalrelationship that is unduly familiar, does not respectdifferences in rank, and is prejudicial to good order anddiscipline.1166. Sexual HarassmentDo not make offensive verbal comments, gestures,or physical contact in the work environment. Do not useimplicit or explicit sexual behavior to control otherpersonnel.1167. Supremacist ActivitiesNo person in the Naval service shallparticipate in any organization that espousessupremacist causes; attempts to create illegaldiscrimination based on race, creed, color, sex,religion, or national origin; advocates the use offorce or violence against the government of theUnited States or the government of any state,territory, district, or possession thereof, or thegovernment of any subdivision therein; orotherwise engages in efforts to depriveindividuals of their civil rights.STANDARD ORGANIZATION ANDREGULATIONS OF THE U.S. NAVYThe Standard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32, provides regulationsand guidance governing the conduct of all members ofthe Navy. This instruction specifies duties andr e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f p e r s o n n e l w i t h i n a u n i torganization—from the commanding officer down tothe messenger of the watch.Naval personnel who fail to comply withregulations may be awarded punishment based on theUniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Manyregulations are printed on large posters and posted inconspicuous locations aboard naval units.Excerpts from the Standard Organization andRegulations of the U.S. NavyThis section contains some of the articles containedin chapter 5, “Regulations,” of the OPNAVINST3120.32. Self-explanatory articles are shown in blockquotation exactly as stated in the OPNAVINST3120.32. Sections that are lengthy or difficult tointerpret are paraphrased to briefly explain the contentsof the regulation.2-13Student Notes:
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