and, in some cases, difficult to interpret, have beenparaphrased (rewritten) to give you a brief overview ofwhat the article contains. Remember that in Navy Regs,the words he, his, or him refers to both men and womenNavy Sailors.0818. Publishing and Posting Orders andRegulations1. In accordance with Article 137 of theUniform Code of Military Justice, the articlesspecifically enumerated therein shall becarefully explained to each enlisted person:a) At the time of entrance on activeduty or within six days thereafter;b) Again, after completion of sixmonths active duty; andc) Again, upon the occasion of eachreenlistment.2. A text of the articles specificallyenumerated in Article 137 of the Uniform Codeof Military Justice shall be posted in aconspicuous place or places, readily accessibleto all personnel of the command.3. Instructions concerning the UniformCode of Military Justice and appropriatearticles of Navy Regulations shall be includedin the training and educational program of thecommand.4. Such general orders, orders fromhigher authority, and other matters which thecommanding officer considers of interest to thepersonnel or profitable for them to know shallbe published to the command as soon aspracticable. Such matters shall also be posted,in whole or in part, in a conspicuous place orplaces readily accessible to personnel of thecommand.5. Upon the request of any person onactive duty in the armed services, the followingpublications shall be made available for thatperson’s personal examination:a) A complete text of the UniformCode of Military Justice;b) Manual for Courts-Martial;c) Navy Regulations;d) Manual of the Judge AdvocateGeneral;e) Marine Corps Manual (for MarineCorps personnel); andf) Naval Military Personnel Manual(for Navy personnel) or MarineCorps Personnel Manual (forMarine Corps personnel).0917. Dealings With ForeignersWhen in foreign ports, officers and enlistedpersonnel should respect local laws, customs,ceremonies, and regulations; display courtesy andmoderation; and cultivate a feeling of good will andmutual respect.1001. Officers of the Naval ServiceOfficers of the United States naval serviceshall be known as officers in the line, officers inthe staff corps, chief warrant officers andwarrant officers.1002. Precedence of OfficersThis article discusses the precedence of officers.1003. Relative Rank and Precedence ofOfficers of Different ServicesThis article explains the relative rank of grades ofofficers of the Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy,Coast Guard, and members of the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration and Public Health Serviceserving with the military.1010. Manner of Addressing OfficersThis article describes the proper manner ofaddressing officers orally and in writing.2-8Student Notes:
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