REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. List the three sources that contain the basicdisciplinary laws for the U.S. Navy.a.b.c.Q2. What is one of the most important characteristicsof a good Sailor?Q3. For you to succeed in your work in the Navy, youshould possess what quality?Q4. Why was the Code of Conduct established?Q5. What total number of articles are there in theCode of Conduct?Q6. When questioned under article V, what is theonly information you are allowed to give?MILITARY POLICELearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the authority of the militarypolice/shore patrol.I d e n t i f y t h e f u n c t i o n s o f t h e m i l i t a r ypolice/shore patrol.All branches of the armed forces assign personnelto duties as military police. In the Air Force, they arecalled security police; in the Army and Marine Corps,they are called military police (MP); and in the Navy,they are called shore patrol (SP). The shore patrolconsists of officers and petty officers assigned to assistmilitary personnel ashore. They are identified byarmbands bearing the letters SP.In areas where units of different armed services arelocated, the military police may be combined to formone unit instead of a separate unit for each service. Thissingle unit is known as an Armed Forces PoliceDetachment (AFPD), and all members are identified bybrassards (armbands) with the letters AFPD. Theprimary duties of AFPD are to assist military personnelashore, maintain good order and discipline amongmilitary personnel, and report conditions or practicesthat appear prejudicial to the welfare of militarypersonnel. They have authority to stop, question,apprehend, or take into custody any member of thearmed forces.When asked to do so by the military police, youmust show your ID card, leave authorization, and thelike. You must obey any orders given you by the militarypolice.Some reminders are listed here for you to observe inany dealings with the military police or shore patrol.(For the remainder of our discussion, patrolis used toinclude all armed forces police.)1. Obey the orders of the patrol.2. Don’t become argumentative if the patrol isquestioning you. The patrol will rightfullyquestion you if you are out of uniform, appeardrunk, or act in a suspicious manner.3. Never interfere with the members of the patrolin the performance of their duty. If you are in aplace where a fight has begun or is about todevelop and the patrol orders you to leave, do sowithout protest.Don’t feel that the patrol is trying to harass you. Youwon’t have to prove who you are or verify that you’reentitled to be ashore every time you see a patrol. Thepatrol will stop you only when you appear to be in, or tobe headed for, some kind of trouble or if you arouse their2-3Student Notes:
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