27. To maintain public confidence in its integrity,
all naval personnel must comply with the
Standards of Conduct and Professional Ethics.
1. True
2. False
28. If you disclose information about a person to
unauthorized personnel, you could be fined up
to what maximum amount?
29. The guidance and policy for making sure that
equal opportunity works rests with what
1. Command master chief
2. Commanding officer
3. Chief of Naval Operations
4. Secretary of the Navy
30. Which of the following persons is responsible
for making equal opportunity a reality with a
1. Commanding officer
2. Executive officer
3. Operations officer
4. Command master chief
31. Your performance evaluation does not reflect
your attitude toward and your conduct in
support of the Navys equal opportunity
1. True
2. False
32. If a Sailor takes part in insensitive practices,
he/she receives counseling on treating people
equally. If counseling isnt effective, what
action, if any, may take place?
1. Administrative action only
2. Disciplinary action only
3. Administrative or disciplinary action
4. None
33. On what basis should supervisors assign duties
such as food service and compartment
1. Skills and abilities
2. Seniority
3. A fair, rotational basis
4. Time in service
34. The Department of the Navy sets the
requirements for advancement for paygrades
E-1 through E-9. Which of the following is the
determining factor in advancement?
1. A vacancy
2. Having a high multiple
3. Passing the advancement-in-rate exam
4. All of the above
35. Navy personnel are prohibited from taking
part in a civil rights demonstration under
which of the following circumstances?
1. When the demonstration occurs during
duty hours
2. While they are in uniform
3. When the demonstration occurs on a
military reservation
4. Each of the above
36. If you cannot resolve a complaint among the
personnel involved, you can attach a written
complaint to a special request chit and forward
it through the chain of command. You must do
this within 5 days?
1. True
2. False
37. Which of the following personnel can be
victims of sexual harassment?
1. Men only
2. Women only
3. Both 1 and 2 above
38. Which of the following phrases describes
sexual harassment?
1. Unwelcome sexual advances
2. Requests for sexual favors
3. Verbal or physical conduct that is sexual in
4. Each of the above
39. Someone in a command position makes sexual
advances towards you, making it impossible to
do your job. You are being sexually harassed.
1. True
2. False