Summaries and Excerpts from NavyRegulationsThis section lists articles (with a condensation oftheir text, if appropriate) from United States NavyRegulations, 1990, that all personnel in the Navy shouldknow. This listing serves only as a starting place for youto learn about Navy regulations. You are responsiblefor learning and obeying all regulations. Theseregulations are not punitive articles, but laws underwhich the Navy operates. Many exist for your ownprotection. Failure to obey any regulation subjects theoffender to charges under article 92, UCMJ (Failure toobey an order or a regulation).The first two digits of the article number indicatethe chapter of Navy Regs from which the article is taken.If the article is self-explanatory, no further explanationis given; the article will be shown in block quotationexactly as stated in Navy Regs. Articles that are lengthy2-7Student Notes:Figure 2-2.—Three official sources for basic disciplinary laws.
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