1020. Exercise of AuthorityAll persons in the naval service on activeservice, and those on the retired list with pay,and transferred members of the Fleet Reserveand the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, are at alltimes subject to naval authority. While onactive service they may, if not on leave ofabsence…, on the sick list, taken into custody,under arrest, suspended from duty, inconfinement or otherwise incapable ofdischarging their duties, exercise authority overall persons who are subordinate to them.1021. Authority Over SubordinatesThis article gives officers the authority necessary toperform their duties.1022. Delegation of AuthorityAlthough you may delegate authority, that does notrelieve you of being responsible. You must make surethe delegated authority is properly exercised and ordersand instructions are properly executed.1023. Abuse of AuthorityPersons in authority are forbidden to injure theirsubordinates by tyrannical or capricious conduct, or byabusive language.1024. Contradictory and Conflicting OrdersIf an enlisted person in the naval servicereceives an order, which annuls, suspends ormodifies one received from another superior, heor she shall immediately represent the facts tothe superior from whom the last order wasreceived. If, after such representation, thesuperior from whom the last order was receivedshould insist upon the execution of that order, itshall be obeyed. The person receiving andexe c u t i n g s u c h o r d e r s h a l l r e p o r t t h ecircumstances as soon as practicable to thesuperior from whom the original order wasreceived.1025. Authority of an Officer in CommandAn officer in command, either of the line or of a staffcorps, has authority over all officers and other personsattached to the command, whatever their rank andwhether they are of the line or of a staff corps.1033. Authority in a BoatThis article provides the senior line officer eligiblefor command at sea the authority over all personsembarked in a boat. It also delegates to the officer theresponsibility for the safety and management of theboat.1034. Authority and Responsibility of a SeniorOfficer Under Certain CircumstancesThis article gives the senior person present, whetheran officer or an enlisted person, the authority to takenecessary action during a riot, a quarrel between navalservice members, or circumstances not covered by theseregulations.1037. Authority of Warrant Officers,Noncommissioned Officers and Petty OfficersChief warrant officers, warrant officers,noncommissioned officers and petty officersshall have, under their superiors, all necessaryauthority for the proper performance of theirduties, and they shall be obeyed accordingly.1038. Authority of a SentryA sentry, within the limits stated in his orher orders, has authority over all persons on hisor her post.1052. Orders to Active ServiceYou may not be ordered to active service withoutpermission of the Chief of Naval Personnel.1064. Detail of Enlisted Persons for CertainDutiesPetty officers will not be detailed to perform messduties, except when nonrated persons are unavailable.2-9Student Notes:
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