(including manpower, logistic, and mobility support)and assesses the effect of such deficiencies andstrengths on meeting national security objectives andpolicy and on strategic plans. He or she establishes andmaintains a uniform system for evaluating thepreparedness of each unified combatant command tocarry out assigned missions. The chairman advises theSECDEF on the priorities of the requirementsidentified by the commanders of the unified combatantcommands. He or she determines the extent to whichprogram recommendations and budget proposals ofthe military departments and other DoD componentsfor a fiscal year conform to priorities established inrequirements of the unified combatant commands. Heor she is responsible for submitting to the SECDEFalternative program recommendations and budgetproposals, with guidance provided by the SECDEF, toachieve greater conformance with prioritiesestablished by the unified combatant commands. Thechairman also advises the SECDEF on the extent towhich major programs and policies of the armed forcesin the area of manpower conform to strategic plans andassesses military requirements for defense acquisitionprograms. Additionally, the chairman:Formulates doctrine and training policies andcoordinates military education and trainingRepresents the United States on the MilitaryStaff Committee of the United NationsPerforms such other duties as may be prescribedby law or by the President and the SECDEFConvenes and presides over regular meetings ofthe Joint Chiefs of StaffAssists the Joint Chiefs in carrying on theirbusiness as promptly as practicableSchedules issues for consideration by the JointChiefsThe chairman, while so serving, holds the grade ofgeneral or admiral and outranks all other officers of thearmed forces. The vice chairman of the Joint Chiefsperforms duties assigned by the chairman, with theapproval of the SECDEF. The vice chairman acts aschairman when there is a vacancy in the office of thechairman or in the absence or disability of thechairman. The vice chairman, while so serving, holdsthe grade of general or admiral and outranks all otherofficers of the armed forces except the chairman of theJoint Chiefs of Staff.The Joint Staff under the chairman of the JointChiefs of Staff assists the chairman and, subject to theauthority of the chairman, the other members of theJoint Chiefs of Staff in carrying out theirresponsibilities. The Joint Staff is headed by a directorwho is selected by the chairman in consultation withthe other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and withthe approval of the SECDEF. Officers assigned to serveon the Joint Staff are selected by the chairman inapproximate equal numbers from the Army, Navy,Marine Corps, and Air Force. The Joint Staff iscomposed of all members of the armed forces andcivilian employees assigned or detailed to permanentduty to perform the functions assigned to the chairmanof the Joint Chiefs of Staff.Unified Combatant CommandsThe unified combatant commands are militarycommands with broad continuing missions formaintaining the security and defense of the UnitedStates against attack; supporting and advancing thenational policies and interests of the United States anddischarging U.S. military responsibilities in their areaof responsibility; and preparing plans, conductingoperations, and coordinating activities of the forcesassigned to them in accordance with the directives ofhigher authority. The unified combatant commands arepart of a military Unified Command Plan subject to thedirection of the President. The commanders of theunified combatant commands exercise commandauthority over forces assigned to them under theauthority, direction, and control of the SECDEF, alsosubject to direction of the President. The latest changeto the Unified Command Plan, signed by PresidentClinton September 30, 1999, changed missions andreplaced the U.S. Atlantic Command with the U.S.Joint Forces Command. The change also included themission to assist civil authorities in the event of anattack or accident involving weapons of massdestruction and to strengthen the United States’ abilityto counter cyberwarfare. The operational chain ofcommand runs from the President to the SECDEF tothe commanders of the unified combatant commands.The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff functionswithin the chain of command by transmitting to thecommanders of the unified combatant commands theorders of the President or the SECDEF. Subject to theauthority, direction, and control of the SECDEF, thechairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff serves as thespokesman for the commanders of the unifiedcombatant commands, especially on the operationalrequirements of their commands. The unifiedcombatant commands are as follows:5-4
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