The Navy offers many programs to help you
develop a rewarding, successful career in the Navy.
The key to these opportunities is knowing the
administrative details that can affect your career.
Several factors affect your Navy careeryour
NECs, your varied assignments, and enlisted warfare
specialist designations. Other factors such as
evaluations are discussed in Basic Military
Requirements, NAVEDTRA 14277.
For many Sailors, eligibility for the Fleet Reserve
or retirement is an important factor in deciding to make
the Navy a career. As a career Sailor, your eventual
retirement should be a consideration in every decision
made during your naval service. Planning for
post-retirement finances and job opportunities should
begin as early as possible in your career.
Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 14277,
Naval Education and Training Professional
Development and Technology Center, Pensacola,
FL, 1999.
Enlisted Transfer Manual, NAVPERS 15909G, Bureau
of Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, 2000.
In-Service Procurement for Appointment Under the
Active and Inactive Limited Duty Officer and Chief
Warrant Officer Programs, BUPERSINST 1131.1,
Department of the Navy, Bureau of Naval
Personnel, Washington, DC, 1993.
Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
NAVPERS 18068F, Bureau of Naval Personnel,
Washington, DC, 1990.
Naval Military Personnel Manual, NAVPERS 15560C,
Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, 1999.