Other Department of Defense AgenciesDoD is the largest government agency in theUnited States. It spends a major portion of the nationalbudget and employs nearly 4 million people (militaryand civilian) to serve and protect the interest of theAmerican people. The business of this departmentaffects every soldier, sailor, marine and airman in allfacets of life. Civilians and industries benefiteconomically and technologically because of the needby the military for more sophisticated weapons,electronics, communications, and computers. TheInternet was largely financed and developed by themilitary. The following are some of other DoDagencies of interest to military personnel.BALLISTICMISSILEDEFENSEORGANIZATION.—The Ballistic Missile DefenseOrganization (BMDO), formerly the Strategic DefenseInitiative Organization, was established as a separateagency of the DoD. BMDO is Presidentially charteredand mandated by Congress to develop ballistic andcruise missile defense systems that are capable ofproviding a limited defense of the United States and aflexible, interoperable family of theater missiledefense systems that may be forward deployed toprotect elements of the U.S. Armed Forces and allies ofthe United States.The agency’s mission is to manage and directDoD’s ballistic missile defense acquisition programs,which include theater missile defense, and to developand deploy, if directed, a national missile defenseprogram designed to protect the United States from along-range missile threat posed by rogue nations. Theagency also is responsible for the continuing researchand development of follow-on technologies that arerelevant for long-term ballistic missile defense. Theseprograms will build a technical foundation forevolutionary growth in future ballistic missiledefenses. In developing these programs, the agencyutilizes the services of the military departments, theDepartment of Energy, the National Aeronautics andSpace Administration, private industries, andeducational and research institutions.DEFENSEADVANCEDRESEARCHPROJECTS AGENCY.—The Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency is a separately organizedagency within the DoD under a director appointed bythe SECDEF. The agency, under the authority,direction, and control of the Director of DefenseResearch and Engineering (DDR&E), engages inadvanced and applied research and developmentprojects essential to the DoD. The agency conductsprototype projects that embody technology that may beincorporated into joint programs, programs in supportof deployed U.S. forces, selected military departmentprograms, or dual-use programs and, on request,assists the military departments in their research anddevelopment efforts.DEFENSE COMMISSARY AGENCY.—TheDefense Commissary Agency was established bydirection of the SECDEF on November 9, 1990, andoperates under DoD Directive 5105.55. The DefenseCommissary Agency is a defense agency subject to theauthority, direction, and control of the Under SECDEFfor Personnel and Readiness and the operationalsupervision of the Commissary Operating Board. Theagency is responsible for providing an efficient andeffective worldwide system of commissaries forreselling groceries and household supplies at low,practical prices (consistent with quality) to membersof the military services, their families, and otherauthorized patrons, while maintaining high standardsof quality, facilities, products, and service.Commissary savings are a valued part of military payand benefits. They also are important in recruitmentand reenlistment of the all-volunteer force. Thepublication, How To Do Business with DeCA(Defense Commissary Agency) is available free ofcharge from the Director, Small and DisadvantagedBusiness Utilization, Headquarters, DefenseCommissary Agency, 1300 “E” Avenue, Fort Lee, VA23801-1800.DEFENSE CONTRACT AUDIT AGENCY.—The Defense Contract Audit Agency was establishedin 1965 and operates under DoD Directive 5105.36under the authority, direction, and control of the UnderSECDEF (Comptroller). The agency performs allnecessary contract audit functions for the DoD andprovides accounting and financial advisory services toall defense components responsible for procurementand contract administration. These services areprovided in connection with the negotiation,administration, and settlement of contracts andsubcontracts. Services include evaluating theacceptability of costs claimed or proposed bycontractors and reviewing the efficiency and economyof contractor operations. Other government agenciesmay request the agency’s services under appropriatearrangements.DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTINGSERVICE.—Defense Finance and AccountingService (DFAS) was established by direction of the5-6
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