If unequal or unfair treatment exists, it will showup quickly in low personnel performance. Mix unequalor unfair treatment with poor leadership and you havethe makings of trouble. Active use of equal and fairtreatment coupled with good leadership provide asuccessful formula for outstanding performance.Always remember to treat others the way you wantthem to treat you.Equal Opportunity and Human Rights as anElement of LeadershipThe qualities of an effective leader were previouslydescribed. Now you will study an element that is part ofbasic leadership. It is equal opportunity. All personnelshould set an outstanding example, motivatesubordinates, and always enforce standards to preventdiscrimination. There is no room in the Navy fordiscrimination. We must enforce the standards set for usto make sure race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or nationalorigin within constraints of the law are not factors in thetreatment of our people or their families on or off base.EO, treatment, and understanding of culturaldifferences are all parts of leadership and supervision.By practicing EO, you will attain and maintain a highstate of moral and military effectiveness. EO must aimtoward a Navy environment in which considerationand treatment are equal to all based on individualeffort, performance, conduct, diligence, and talent.The achievement of EO and human rights is part ofmeeting the challenge of high moral, ethical, andbehavioral standards. Making sure these standards areupheld and not degraded through ignorance, neglect,or indifference is the responsibility of all Navypersonnel. Senior petty officers betray their juniorswhen they fail to support EO or fail to insist that otherssupport EO. Similarly, a senior does not fulfill his orher responsibility to the Navy by tolerating laxity,slackness, lack of discipline, or unmilitary behavior bythose over whom the senior has supervisoryresponsibility.Therefore, as an element of leadership, EO andhuman rights enhance the total quality of life of Navypersonnel. They also increase the capability of theNavy to fulfill its mission.Command Managed Equal OpportunityThe Command Managed Equal Opportunity(CMEO) Program ensures that equal opportunityexists at the unit level. CMEO is a tool for detecting andpreventing discrimination. Under this program,individual commands are required to monitor their EOclimate, conduct command assessments, provide EOtraining, and ensure proper handling and reporting ofcomplaints and incidents. An environment in whichequal opportunity exists for all members is essential toattaining and maintaining high command morale,discipline, readiness, and military effectiveness.CMEO aids in achieving these goals.Command Assessment TeamsConducting a successful and effective EO programrequires each command to accurately assess its currentEO status. The command assessment focuses on thetreatment and achievements of individuals. It alsolooks at the overall effectiveness of command EOprograms and the follow-up actions on previous EOissues. The assessment uses command demographicinformation (factors such as age, race, ethnicity,gender, rank, paygrade, designator, and rating). This isa formal assessment that includes the commandassessment team (CAT) and data sources.The CAT is a group of command personnel trainedto plan and conduct a command assessment. They alsoare trained to analyze the data they collect. CATsreceive training from a CNET activity, MTT, or EOPSfrom a major command or staff. The command mustrecord this training in the member’s service record.The following guidelines apply to the CAT:Mandatory membership includes the executiveofficer (XO), at least one department head, andthe command master chief (CMC) or equivalent.When a command has a command careercounselor and/or personnel officer and/or legalofficer, they should be members. Remainingmembers should be a cross-section of paygrades,genders, races, and departments of thecommand. All CAT members, including thosewho have mandatory membership, must receiveformal training. The commanding officer has theprerogative to increase the size or scope of theCAT. Regardless of team composition, finalresponsibility for CAT effectiveness remainswith the commanding officer.Members of the CAT who have not participatedas an active member for over 24 months mustrepeat the formal training.Members of the CAT should complete the EqualOpportunity in the Navy nonresident trainingcourse (NAVEDTRA 13099-E) within 3 monthsof assignment to the assessment team.3-8
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