PERSONAL EXCELLENCE PROGRAMThe purpose of this program is to promote thepersonal development of Navy members in order tocontribute to their self-satisfaction, morale, andquality of life. It also benefits the quality of the Navyand the American society. The program focusesinternally on Navy personnel and, where feasible,externally on our nation’s school age population,pre-school through twelfth grade. The four principalgoals of the Personal Excellence Program areeducation, health/fitness, citizenship, and the NavyPersonal Excellence Partnership Program.Personal excellence is the achievement of anindividual’s highest potential in education,health/fitness, and citizenship. The acquisition ofknowledge and skills, health habits, and basic personalvalues can best be promoted in service to others in thecommunity. That is as true for Navy personnel as it isfor young people in the United States who are the focusof the Navy Personal Excellence Partnership Program.EducationEducation has a twofold definition. In relation toNavy personnel, it consists of the multiple avenues forpersonal intellectual growth and achievement. Itincludes programs to improve basic competenciesunder the Navy Skill Enhancement Program (SEP). Inrelation to external partnerships, education refers tosubjects, such as reading, writing, English, foreignlanguages, math, science, computer skills, geography,history, humanities, social studies, and knowledge ofother cultures.Health/FitnessHealth promotion programs are those activitiesthat promote a healthy lifestyle. These programsinclude physical fitness, sports, nutrition, weight/bodyfat management, alcohol and drug abuse prevention,smoking prevention or cessation, stress management,back injury prevention, and high blood pressurescreening and control. The Navy Personal ExcellencePartnership Program addresses these topics as well aspersonal safety in the use of car restraints andmotorcycle helmets.CitizenshipThis personal excellence goal addresses thedevelopment of core values. They are the fundamentalqualities of morally and socially responsible membersof American society, including the Navy person andhis or her family. The focus of the citizenship aspect ofthe Personal Excellence Program is on the followingcore values:Integrity—honesty, honor, and responsibilityProfessionalism—competence, teamwork, andloyaltyTradition—concern for people, patriotism,courage, and personal valuesThe citizenship focus of the Navy PersonnelExcellence Partnership Program cultivates the samevalues but concentrates on their effect on Americansociety. Additionally, this program highlights personalresponsibility for one’s actions, justice, compassion,respect for self and others, and community service.Navy Personal Excellence PartnershipProgramThis aspect of the personal excellence effortfunctions externally within the community. It is acollaborative effort among Navy commands, publicand/or private sector organizations, and schools oryouth organizations. The intent is to obtain and poolresources and volunteers for the purpose ofstrengthening the personal excellence of Americanyouth. The long-term goal of this program is topromote a sense of self-worth and to reinforce in youngpeople the knowledge, traits, attitudes, and skillsessential for responsible citizenship and effectiveparticipation in the American work force.3-3Q1.The purpose of quality of life programs is topromote effective use of human resources.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTIONQ2.The Personal Excellence Program focusesexternally on our nation’s schools throughwhat grade?1.12th2.8th3.6th4.4thREVIEW QUESTIONS
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