to open their homes for day care must completetraining that includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) instruction. Child care providers involved in theFHC Program must purchase insurance, which isavailable through the Navy Personnel Command(NAVPERSCOM) at a nominal fee. A professionalmonitor ensures that the childcare offered is of thehighest quality by providing training, screening andbackground checks, and monthly visits to FHC homes.The nature of naval service dictates that membersmust be ready to deploy on short notice and be able toexecute fully their military and professional duties.Planning to ensure the care of family members anddependents is of great value and is required of everyservice member. It is especially important for singlemembers with dependents and members of dual militarycouples with dependents. Therefore, the Navy requiresall single parents and dual military couples withchildren to complete a Family Care Plan Certificate,NAVPERS 1740/6, which provides a plan for dependentcare arrangements. The plan must include details, suchas who will provide care for the children during theparent’s normal duty hours, temporary additional duty(TAD) assignments, and deployments, as well as otherpertinent information. The parent also must provide awill with guardianship provisions and a power ofattorney authorizing medical care. OPNAVINST1740.4, Department of the Navy Family Care Policy,outlines the family care plan and specifies theinformation parents must include on the certificate.Some people worry that their status as a singleparent may hurt their Navy career, but this simply is nottrue. As long as parents keep an up-to-date family-carecertificate in their record, they have no limits on whatthey can achieve. Parenting in the Navy is not easy, butan understanding of Navy policy can help a Sailor’scareer run smoothly. Parents should realize the Navyexpects them to accept full responsibility for the careof their children as well as their job requirements.Casualty Assistance CallsThe broad purpose of the Casualty AssistanceCalls Program (CACP) is to offer support to the next ofkin of Navy members involved in a casualty. The Navyseeks to accomplish this through personal visits by auniformed Navy representative called a casualtyassistance calls officer (CACO). Only an officer with aminimum of 2 years of active duty or a qualified seniorenlisted member of paygrade E-7 or above may serveas a CACO. Persons given the task of CACO normallyassume this responsibility as their primary duty; ittakes precedence over all assigned duties.The CACP offers support in the following ways:Assuring the next of kin of the Navy’s interest intheir well-beingShowing concern for members reported missingwhile the search for them is under wayExtending sympathy in the case of deathHelping survivors adjust to situations imposedupon them by a tragic circumstanceMILITARY CASH AWARDS PROGRAMThe Military Cash Awards Program (MILCAP)was developed to encourage individuals to suggestpractical ways to reduce costs and improveproductivity in the Navy, Department of Defense, andother federal government operations. MILCAPprovides for payment of cash incentives based on theamount of money saved by a suggestion. If you thinkyou know a better, cheaper, or more efficient way to geta job done, check into OPNAVINST 1650.8. Thisinstruction gives all the details on how to submit yoursuggestions and inventions to the Navy forconsideration. You may help the Navy to improve itsway of doing business and get a cash reward to boot.NAVY FAMILY HOUSING PROGRAMThe Navy’s Family Housing Program willcontinue to be a high priority for quality of life issues.The Navy’s mission assures that military membershave suitable housing in which to shelter themselves3-6Q4.FSCs are on all bases with which of thefollowing minimum number of active-dutypersonnel?1.1002.5003.1,0004.1,500REVIEW QUESTIONSQ5.FSCs offer programs for married sailorsONLY.1.True2.False
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