Prospective CAT members must have a
minimum of 18 months remaining from their
assignment date before their PRD (does not
apply to mandatory membership).
DATA SOURCES.The CAT receives specific
training in using the following resources to conduct
command assessments:
Command training records, records on the Sailor
of the month/quarter/year award file,
meritorious mast records, records on
discrimination and sexual harassment
complaints, and retention files
Interviews to gain valuable information, such as
what is actually happening in a command as well
as what people perceive is happening and how
they feel about it
Observations (made without disturbing the
environment or injecting a bias) to determine
what people actually do or how they behave and
Surveys to detect the command climate
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA.One of the primary
functions of the annual command assessment is
collection of demographic data on retention,
advancement, and discipline. Each command
determines the most effective method of data
collection for its organization. All commands take the
following steps in the collection and maintenance of
demographic data:
Classify all demographic data collection and
analysis by race/ethnic group, gender, paygrade,
rating, division, and department.
Collect and analyze all reenlistment and
separation data (raw numbers and percentages).
Retention data include personnel who are
eligible to reenlist as well as those who are
ineligible. Separation data show types of
separations by race/ethnic group.
Analyze advancement data on personnel in zone
for advancement. Data show those personnel
who are eligible for advancement, are
recommended for advancement, were advanced,
passed but were not advanced, and failed.
Analyze military justice data, including the
number and proportion of persons put on report,
screened by the executive officer (XO),
dismissed, and assigned extra military
instruction (EMI). Also analyze the number and
proportion of persons referred to commanding
officers mast and to courts-martial and the
results of those masts and courts-martial.
Analyze types of punishment for similar
offenses between race/ethnic groups and by
gender for disparities in severity of punishment.
Retain demographic data and the results of the
command assessment for at least 36 months and then
destroy them.
identify specific issues, they can address those
problems systematically. The CAT first defines and
analyzes the problem and then generates and evaluates
courses of action. Finally, it recommends to the
commander the most appropriate courses of action.
The command then develops plans of actions and
milestones (POA&Ms) to monitor its effectiveness.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination.
Like all discrimination, it is prohibited. It violates the
standards of honesty, integrity, and impartiality
required of all DON personnel. All Navy personnel
have a responsibility to maintain a working
environment free of sexual harassment. Additionally,
off-duty behaviors that affect the military workplace
may be considered to be sexual harassment.
SECNAVINST 5300.26C defines sexual
harassment as follows: A form of sex discrimination
that involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature when:
A. Submission to such conduct is made either
explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of a persons
job, pay, or career; or,
B. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a
person is used as a basis for career or employment
decisions affecting that person; or,
C. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individuals work
performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive working environment."
Leaders must set the example in treating all people
with dignity and respect. Sexual harassment in any form
must not be ignored or condoned. Individuals who
believe they have been sexually harassed should be
encouraged to address their concerns or objections.
Additionally, the recipients of sexual harassment must