and their families. Congressional and Department ofDefense policy requires that the civilian housingmarket be the primary source of housing for militarypersonnel. Authority for construction of militaryfamily housing occurs when the civilian housingmarket cannot meet the needs of the local militarycommunity.Military family housing Navywide numbersmore than 70,000 units.Resource sponsorship (funding) of the NavyFamily Housing Program is under the DeputyChief of Naval Operations.The Navy reviews its housing construction planannually based on a Military Family Housing (MFH)survey sponsored by the Naval Facilities EngineeringCommand (NAVFACENGCOM). There is acontinuing effort to get more funding to modernizeexisting units.PolicyNavy policy concerning family housing is asfollows:All military members with dependents,including single parents attached to deployableunits, are eligible for MFH.Single parents in MFH may receive authority forlive-in housekeepers.A member married to a member not drawingBasic Allowance for Housing (BAH) andassigned to ships homeported at the samelocation may receive assignment to MFH.A member married to a member simultaneouslydeployed will have no requirement to vacate thehouse.The basis for bedroom entitlement is on familycomposition for enlisted personnel and juniorofficers, but includes both rank and familycomposition for assignment of senior officers.Members can accept shelter payment forhousing foster children in MFH.All members assigned to an unaccompaniedoverseas tour have assurance of continuedoccupancy in MFH.Dependents of members who die in the line ofduty may keep housing without charge for 90days from the death of the member.Housing Referral ServicesEvery Sailor, with the receipt of permanent changeof station (PCS) orders, receives direction to check inwith Housing Referral Services (HRS) beforecontracting for community housing. The HRS clerkwill help in locating safe, affordable communityhousing when military housing is unavailable.The following are additional services provided tonaval personnel by HRS:Members may get a listing of available rentalunits.Members may get a list of units/agents on thesanction list. Members may not enter intocontract with agents on the sanction list.Members may list their property for rent or sale.EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMThe objective of the Equal Opportunityprogram is to promote positive commandmorale and quality of life and to provide anenvironment in which all personnel canperform to the maximum of their abilityunimpeded by any institutional or individualbiases based on racial, ethnic, gender, orreligious stereotypes.—OPNAVINST 5354.1DAs a petty officer, you are in charge of maintaininggood morale. You can only achieve this by treating allpeople equally and by giving everyone an equal chanceto learn new skills and benefit from the manyopportunities available in the Navy. The Navy’s EqualOpportunity (EO) Program assures that Navypersonnel have equal access to the opportunities andrewards of the Navy organization. The EO Programguarantees the rights of equality of opportunity andtreatment for all, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion,gender, or national origin within constraints of the law.3-7Q6.Single parents in MFH may receive authorityfor live-in housekeepers.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTION
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