be assured that they also subsequently will not be thevictims of reprisal or retaliation. Leaders andsupervisors must foster a positive climate and takeappropriate corrective action when conduct isdisruptive, provoking, discriminatory, or otherwiseunprofessional. All DON personnel, military andcivilian, are accountable for their actions and areresponsible for treating others with dignity and respect.FraternizationThe Navy historically has relied upon custom andtradition to define the bounds of acceptable personalrelationships among its members. The Navy alwaysencourages proper social interaction among officerand enlisted members. Unduly familiar personalrelationships between officer and enlisted memberstraditionally have been contrary to naval custom. Suchrelationships undermine the respect for authority thatis essential to the Navy’s ability to accomplish itsmilitary mission. Naval custom prevents personnelfrom using a senior grade or position to show (or givethe impression of showing) favoritism or preferentialtreatment or for personal gain. It also helps preventofficers from becoming involved in other actions thatundermine good order, discipline, authority, or unitmorale. In a like manner, custom requires that juniorpersonnel recognize and respect the authority inherentin a senior’s grade, rank, or position.Fraternizationis the traditional term used toidentify personal relationships that cross the usualbounds of acceptable senior-subordinate relationships.Although its common application applies to theofficer-enlisted relationship, fraternization alsoincludes improper relationships between senior andjunior officer members and between senior and juniorenlisted personnel.Fraternization is punishable as an offense underthe UCMJ when it is prejudicial to good order anddiscipline or brings discredit to the naval service. Thismanual cannot cite every act that may be prejudicial togood order and discipline or is service discrediting; thecircumstances often have more to do with making theact criminal than the act itself. However, dating,cohabitation, or sexual intimacy between officers andenlisted members is clearly inappropriate. A privatebusiness partnership between officers and enlistedpersons also is inappropriate. Likewise, such conductbetween officers and between enlisted members inwhich a senior-subordinate supervisory relationshipexists is equally inappropriate. Conduct that isfraternization is not excused by a later marriagebetween the offending parties.The responsibility for preventing inappropriaterelationships rests primarily on the senior member.The Navy expects the senior party to control andprevent the development of inappropriatesenior-subordinate relationships. However, since theNavy’s fraternization policy applies to both members,both are accountable for their own conduct.A review by all hands of Navy FraternizationPolicy, OPNAVINST 5370.2, is required by commandson an annual basis.PERSONAL EXCELLENCEPROGRAMS—HEALTH AND FITNESSLearning Objectives: Recognize the petty officer’sresponsibility in the Navy’s drug and alcohol abuseprevention and control program. Recall the programsfor counseling and treating personnel with drug and/oralcohol problems. Recall indicators of a potentialsuicide. Recognize health and physical readinessprogram initiatives.NAVY ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSEPROGRAMDrug and alcohol abuse is costly in terms oflost man-hours and unnecessaryadministrative and judicial processing.Additionally it is a critical draw down ofmorale and esprit de corps. It undermines thevery fiber of combat readiness, safety,3-10Q7.Sexual harassment is NOT allowed in whichof the following situations?1.On or off duty2.On base/ship3.Off base/ship4.All of the aboveQ8.Although the common application offraternization applies to the officer-enlistedrelationship, fraternization also includesimproper relationships between officermembers and between enlisted personnel.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTIONS
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