naturedly. If you smile and accept the attention in
the same way, your hosts will make you feel
welcome. If you resent it and get angry, your hosts
will be confused and displeased.
Even though you look different than the local
people, if you can manage a few words in the local
language, you will reap many benefits. You will see taxi
fares miraculously drop, room service drastically
improve, and art objects sell for less. The people will
receive you more warmly and genuinely than if you had
spoken English.
Knowing some basics about the country you are
visiting and its culture goes a long way towards helping
you have a good time. Before the trip, read all you can
about each country you will visit. Look at various
publications that contain information about the
countries or regions you will be touring. Africa Report,
for example, is a magazine that offers much insight
about the culture of that continent. If your library
doesnt have a specific magazine, you can order it from
the publisher. You will find the addresses of magazine
publishers in your local library.
Yo u m a y a l s o g e t i n f o r m a t i o n o n o t h e r
countries by visiting the Family Service Center or
logging on to the SITES home page on the Internet.
T h e S I T E S h o m e p a g e g ive s y o u u p - t o - d a t e
information of the country you will be visiting.The
address for SITES is www.dmdc.osd/mil/sites.
When you visit the towns, villages, and cities of
other countries, youll discover what so many of us have
found, the unexpected hospitality and warmth of the
Learning Objective: When you finish this chapter, you
will be able to
Recognize the opportunities gained through the
Navy Cash Awards Program.
The Military Cash Awards Program (MILCAP) is a
special incentive awards program. It is designed to find
new ideas to effectively increase performance within
the Department of the Navy. The program has been
responsible for important savings.
MILCAP provides monetary recognition awards
of up to ,000. It awards personnel for beneficial
suggestions, inventions, and scientific achievements
that increase efficiency, economy, or productivity or
effect other improvements in operations. All
active-duty military personnel are eligible to participate
A beneficial suggestion is the proposal of an idea or
a method of doing a task better, faster, cheaper, or safer.
An individual or a group can submit a beneficial
suggestion. To qualify for the MILCAP, the suggester
must show a specific need for improvement and give a
workable solution. The suggestion should also be
beyond the suggesters normal job capability.
Suggestions should do one or more of the following:
Improve services to the fleet
Increase productivity
Conserve energy, manpower, materials, time, or
Reduce costs without loss of quality or efficiency
Perhaps you have an idea worthy of a cash award.
Submit your suggestion in writing, either on a
suggestion form or in a letter format, to your local
MILCAP administrator. OPNAVINST 1650.8 contains
additional information about the MILCAP.
Q1. The Navy Sponsor Program was established
Q2. What form should you use to request a
Q3. What program provides you with support and
information about foreign lands?
Student Notes: