department. Other parts of the administrativedepartment include the following:Personnel officeEducational services officePublic affairs officeLegal officeSafety DepartmentThe safety department is responsible for allsquadron safety program matters. This department isusually divided into the following:Ground safety.Aviation safety.Naval Air Training and Operating ProceduresStandardization (NATOPS) divisions. (TheNATOPS division makes sure standardizedprocedures are followed in the operation of thesquadron’s aircraft.)Operations DepartmentThe operations department is responsible for theoperational readiness and tactical efficiency of thesquadron. The operations department usually consistsof the logs and records, schedules, training,communications, and navigation divisions.Maintenance DepartmentThe maintenance department is responsible for theoverall maintenance of the squadron’s aircraft. Themaintenance department is usually divided into thefollowing divisions:Maintenance/material controlQuality assuranceMaintenance administrationAircraft, avionics/armament, and airframesdivisionsBRANCH OFFICERA division on a ship is divided into watches orsections or both. In an aircraft squadron, the divisions aredivided into branches. Each branch is headed by a branchofficer. In aircraft squadrons, the branch officer is theofficer with whom you will have the most direct contact.The branch officer is directly responsible to thedivision officer. The branch officer has the sameresponsibilities for the branch that the division officerhas for the division.Making frequent inspections of branchpersonnel, spaces, equipment, and supplies.Making sure branch tasks are completed in atimely manner.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONSQ1. List the four departments usually found in anaircraft squadron.a.b.c.d.Q2. The safety department is responsible for thesquadron safety program. What are the maindivisions in this department?a.b.c.Q3. What is the responsibility of the operationsdepartment?6-13Student Notes:
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