A4. The Navy Regs has an entire chapter coveringcommanding officer duties.A5. Aboard ship, the commanding officer isresponsible for the safe navigation of the ship,the condition of the ship, and the appearance ofmaterial and personnel.A6. A CO has authority equal to responsibility,including the power to impose limitedpunishment. This power can’t be delegated.A7. The senior enlisted person transmits ideas andrecommendations directly to the CO.A8. Duties of the XO include—a. Arranging and coordinating ship/s work,drills, exercises, and policing andinspecting the shipb. Investigating matters affecting crewdisciplineandconduct.Makingrecommendations to CO on these mattersc. Approving/disapproving liberty lists andleave requestsd. Inspecting the ship and receiving readinessreports from department heads; reportingto the CO when the ship is ready for actionA9. Assistants to the XO include—a. Personnel officerb. Training officerc. Educational services officer (ESO)d. Drug and alcohol program advisor (DAPA)e. Command master chief (CM/C)A10. The department head is responsible for andreports to the CO on matters that affect his/herdepartment including administrativematters, operational readiness, and generalcondition of the equipment.A11. The division is the basic unit of a shipboardorganization.A12. Division officer duties include—a. Inspecting division personnel, spaces,equipment, and suppliesb. Maintaining copies of division orders andbills and displaying them in conspicuousplacesc. Training division personnel and preparingthem for battleREVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. The four departments usually found in aircraftsquadrons include—a. Administrationb. Safetyc. Operationsd. MaintenanceA2. The safety department is usually divided intoa. Ground safetyb. Aviation safetyc. Naval Air Training and OperatingProcedures Standardization (NATOPS)A3. The operations department is responsible for theoperational readiness and tactical efficiencyof the squadron.A4. The four divisions of an aircraft maintenancedepartment are the—a. Maintenance/material controlb. Quality assurancec. Maintenance administrationd. Aircraft, avionics/armament, andairframes divisionsA5. The branch officer is responsible to the divisionofficer.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. The five areas that affect the chain of commandare—a. Responsibilityb. Accountabilityc. Directiond. Communicatione. Work-related problemsA2. In your organization, you can find out about thechain of command by asking someone in theadministration office.6-18
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