called a toggle is seized between strands of theguess-warp above the thimble to keep it from running upout of reach when a boat lets go. One or more Jacob’sladders (a rope ladder) from the boom permit boatcrews to come aboard.REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. List six types of ground tackle used aboard ships.a.b.c.d.e.f.Q2. Where are bower anchors located?Q3. List the standard parts of the mooring line used tosecure a normal sized ship at a pier.a.b.c.d.e.f.Q4. Aboard ship, deck fittings are used for—Q5. While anchored, what deck equipment is used tomoor the ship’s boat?BOAT SEAMANSHIPLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify various types of boats, service craft, andcombatant craft to include boat terms andnomenclature.Identify safety practices for boat passengers.Boat seamanship is much more than a knowledge ofthe kinds of boats in operation in the Navy. Boat crewsare responsible for the safe operation and upkeep oftheir craft and must receive training in a number ofareas. Some of the techniques to be mastered requiremuch practice and experience before a boat crew canbecome accomplished in their assigned duties. If youare assigned to duties as a member of a boat crew, youshould study the Seaman and Boatswain’s Mate 3 & 2training manuals and complete the required personnelqualification standards (PQS).Boats used by the Navy are of three generalgroups—support craft, combatant craft, and boats ingeneral. Each group may be determined by its assignedmission and by its type, design, and construction.Chapter 8 has detailed information about these craft.BOATSThe term boat refers to a noncommissionedwaterborne vessel that is not designated as a servicecraft. A boat is capable of limited independentoperation. Officer/personnel boats, motor whaleboats,and utility boats fit into this group. Boats carried aboardship that can be hoisted from and lowered into the waterare known as ship’s boats.SERVICE CRAFTThe term service craft (figs. 7-9 and 7-10) is appliedto waterborne craft that are designed for special use.Harbor tugs, ferryboats, various nonself-propelledbarges, and floating dry docks are designated servicecraft.7-5
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