ACCOMMODATION LADDERFrequently, the accommodation ladder is mistakenlycalled the gangway. However, gangway actually meansthe opening in a bulwark or life rail that gives access to abrow or an accommodation ladder. An accommodationladder (fig. 7-4) consists essentially of an upper and alower platform connected by a ladder. The lower end issupported, raised, and lowered by a block and tackle(called falls) and is usually suspended from a davit.Brow is the Navy term for gangplank. Brows areramps used between ships and between a ship and pier.They may be simply two or three wooden planks fastenedtogether, or they may be elaborate affairs with handrailsand wheels at one or both ends to prevent a ship’s motionfrom unduly affecting the positioning of the brow.MOORING LINESA ship is moored when it’s made fast to a buoy,when it’s between two buoys, when it’s between twoanchors, or when it’s secured by lines alongside a pier oranother ship.The lines used in mooring a ship alongside a pier areshown in figure 7-5. Well in advance of mooring, thelines should be faked down, fore and aft, each near thechock through which it passes in preparation for passingthe line. You will learn about the procedure for faking aline and a description of deck fittings later in thischapter.Rat guards are hinged conical metal shields securedaround mooring lines. They are used to prevent ratsfrom coming aboard ship.The bowline and forward spring lines prevent theship from drifting astern. The stern line and after springlines prevent the ship from drifting forward. Look atfigure 7-5. Here, lines 1, 3, and 5 are called forwardlines; lines 2, 4, and 6 are called after lines. Whensecured, these lines tend to breast the ship in. Theforward and after spring lines are used to prevent theship from drifting forward or aft.NOTEThe various types of line and wire rope arediscussed in the “Marlinespike Seamanship”section of this chapter.Teamwork is essential in carrying out themooring operation. Lines must not be kinked orfouled. Keep control of the lines and avoid dipping theminto the water. Remember, observe all safetyprecautions!If the ship is to remain moored for a long period,lines are doubled up and bound together with marlinehitches, and rat guards are placed on each line. Look atfigure 7-6. To provide protection to the side of the shipwhile it is alongside a pier, camels (large wooden logs orrectangular structures) (views B and C) are often placedbetween the pier and the ship. Fenders (large cylindricalobjects of rubber or fibrous material) (views A and D)are swung over the side of the ship to give bumpersupport against damage whenever a ship lies alongsideanother ship or a pier.7-3Student Notes:Figure 7-4.—A rigged accommodation ladder.Figure 7-5.—Ship’s mooring lines.
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