REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The three military departments of theDepartment of Defense (DoD) are the—a. Navy,b. Army, andc. Air Force.A2. The four missions of the DoD are—a. To support and defend the Constitution ofthe United States against all enemies,foreign and domesticb. To ensure the security of the United States,its possessions, and areas vital to itsinterestsc. To uphold and advance the nationalpolicies and interests of the United Statesd. To safeguard the internal security of theUnited StatesA3. The two main objectives of the Navy are to—a. Organize, train, equip, prepare, andmaintain the readiness of the Navy andMarine corps forces to perform militarymissionsb. To support the Navy and Marine Corpsforces as well as the forces of other militarydepartmentsA4. The three basic components of the Departmentof the Navy are—a. Navy Departmentb. Operating forcesc. Shore EstablishmentA5. The U.S. Coast Guard operates under thefollowing two departments:a. Wartime—Department of the Navyb. Peacetime—Department of TransportationREVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. Aboard ship, the ship’s organization andregulations can be found in a publication knownas the Shipboard Organization and RegulationsManual, which is based on the StandardOrganization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy.A2. Some aspects of a ship’s organization covered bythe Shipboard Organization and RegulationsManual include—a. Unit’s admin organization, includingwatchesb. Coordination of evolutions and emergencyproceduresc. Conduct of personnelREVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The two elements of a ship’s organization arethe—a. Battle organizationb. Administration organizationA2. The information contained in the—a. Battle organization includes the numbersand specialties the unit needs to fulfill itswartime missionsb. Administration organization makes sure theship can fight or carry out its mission;training, maintenance, and routineoperations are coveredA3. The responsibilities of the departments are—a. Navigation—Safe navigation and pilotingof the shipb. Operations—In charge of all radar, sonar,and communications equipment on theship. Operations collects and evaluatescombat and operational information andconducts electronic warfarec. Engineering—Operation, care, andmaintenance of all propulsion andauxiliary machineryd. Supply—Operates the general mess andship’s store; manages clothing and smallstores issue room; maintains pay records;and orders and receives general stores,supplies, spare parts, and ship’s equipmente. Weapons/Deck/Combat Systems—Respon-sibilities depend on type of ship.1) Weapons department or combat systemsdepartment—Operation, care, andmaintenance of ships armament andweapons fire-control equipment2) Deck department—Responsible for deckfunctions6-17
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