Q4. List the four divisions of the maintenancedepartment.a.b.c.d.Q5. The branch officer is responsible to what officer?CHAIN OF COMMANDLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify the purpose of the chain of command toincluderesponsibilities,direction,communications, and solving work-relatedproblems.Recognize a typical chain of command.The chain of command is the relationship of juniorsand seniors within an organization. The organizationalcharts you have seen in this chapter represent chains ofcommand.An effective chain of command is essential for theNavy to carry out its assigned mission. Good leadershipis also essential for the Navy’s mission. Goodleadership supports an effective chain of command andvice versa; neither works well without the other.The chain of command serves several purposes inthe accomplishment of the Navy’s mission. It definesresponsibilities and identifies accountability. Properlyused, it provides direction and smooth communicationsand ensures efficiency.RESPONSIBILITYResponsibility requires that an individual beaccountable for the performance of assigned taskswithin an organization. By defining responsibilities, thechain of command lets its personnel know what theirresponsibilities are and what they are expected to do.The Navy expects its personnel to set goodexamples for their shipmates by doing their jobsquickly, correctly, and neatly. The Navy expects itsmembers to instill a sense of pride in others to improvethe efficiency of the command.ACCOUNTABILITYEvery person in a chain of command is accountableto someone for professional performance and personalactions. Accountability is the ability of personnel toreport, explain, or justify every action taken. They dothis through two types of accountability—jobaccountability and military accountability.1. Job accountability means you must answer toseniors in the chain of command for the way inwhich you carry out an assigned task.2. Military accountability means you must answerto senior military personnel for your personalbehavior and military appearance.DIRECTIONThe chain of command provides direction in theassignment of duties. All members of the chain ofcommand know their specific duties. Seniors assignthese duties, and juniors should carry them out to thebest of their ability.COMMUNICATIONThe chain of command provides for smooth, rapid,and effective communication. Each person in the chainof command needs to clearly understand his/her statuswithin that chain. Seniors should pass informationdown the chain of command about matters that mayaffect juniors. Juniors should pass information up thechain of command about problems that exist. In thisway, communication flows in both directions.6-14Student Notes:
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