REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. List the two elements of a ship’s organization.a.b.Q2. List the information contained in elements of aship’s organization.a.b.Q3. Briefly describe the responsibility of the fivedepartments listed below.a. Navigation—b. Operations—c. Engineering—d. Supply—e. Weapons/Deck/Combat Systems—Q4. What regulation has an entire chapter coveringcommanding officer duties?Q5. Aboard ship, what officer is responsible for thesafe navigation of the ship, the condition of theship, and the appearance of material andpersonnel?Q6. A CO must have authority equal to responsibility,including the power to impose limitedpunishment. Can the CO delegate this particularpower?Q7. What enlisted person transmits ideas andrecommendations directly to the CO?Q8. Describe four duties of the XO.a.b.c.d.Q9. List the XO’s assistants.a.b.c.d.e.Q10. What are the responsibilities of the departmenthead?6-11Student Notes:
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