Q11. What is the basic unit of a shipboardorganization?Q12. List three division officer duties.a.b.c.AIRCRAFT SQUADRONORGANIZATIONLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recall aircraft squadron organization to includesquadron departments and branch officer.The organization of an aircraft squadron differs insome ways from that of a ship. Standard Organizationand Regulations of the U.S. Navy specifies the basicorganization required of an aircraft squadron. Figure6-7 shows a standard organizational chart of an aircraftsquadron.Look at figure 6-7 again. As you can see, an aircraftsquadron has different departments than a ship. This isone of the differences between the organization of anaircraft squadron and a ship. The departments havedifferent names and responsibilities. However, theresponsibilities of the commanding officer, executiveofficer, department heads, and division officers are thesame in the organization of an aircraft squadron and aship.AIRCRAFT SQUADRON DEPARTMENTSAll aircraft squadrons have an administrativedepartment and a safety department. Most squadronsalso have an operations department and a maintenancedepartment. Some squadrons have one or moredepartments in addition to the four already mentioned.Based on its mission, the squadron may have a training,a photographic, or an intelligence department.Administrative DepartmentThe administrative (ADMIN) department isresponsible for all the administrative duties within thesquadron. This department takes care of officialcorrespondence, personnel records, and directives.Most of the jobs done by the XO’s assistants in ashipboard organization are done by ADMIN in anaircraft squadron. The first lieutenant and commandcareer counselor work as members of the ADMIN6-12Student Notes:Figure 6-7.—Type aircraft squadron organization chart.
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